Hi, first of all, nice app! simple and easy to use.
I have tried to add my m3u from tvheadend but it gets the channels with an incorrect name.
It seems that it extracts the name from a variable called tvg-id that appears in the line of the channel inside the m3u.
Here's is the scheme that every channel follows:
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-logo="logo-link" tvg-id="random-id",Channel_name stream-link
Hi, first of all, nice app! simple and easy to use.
I have tried to add my m3u from tvheadend but it gets the channels with an incorrect name. It seems that it extracts the name from a variable called tvg-id that appears in the line of the channel inside the m3u.
Here's is the scheme that every channel follows:
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-logo="logo-link" tvg-id="random-id",Channel_name stream-link