FredrikNoren / ungit

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blank screen, sshUsername in config #119

Closed spieiga closed 10 years ago

spieiga commented 11 years ago

running on a raspberry pi (raspbian ... debian-like distro) ... I ssh as root into my system and run "ungit &" I know I shouldn't run everything as root, but there is a long explanation why ... anyway....

this is my .ungitrc

    "port": 1337,
    "logDirectory": "/var/log",
    "sshUsername": "root"

but I see no logs being created, and when I go to http://localhost:1337/#/repository?path=%2Froot I see ungit logo at the top with a field with "/root" in it and a blank dark blue screen below it.

FredrikNoren commented 11 years ago

Hm does the console output from ungit tell you anything? Or the console output in the browser?

spieiga commented 11 years ago

this is what I see

root@314159 ~ # ungit
info: started
info: Listening on port 1337
Browse to http://localhost:1337/#/repository?path=%2Froot
## Ungit started ##
info: GET /
info: GET /css/styles.css
info: GET /config.js
info: GET /js/bugsense.js
info: GET /version.js
info: GET /js/ungit.js
info: GET /
info: GET /css/styles.css
info: GET /version.js
info: GET /config.js
info: GET /js/bugsense.js
info: GET /js/ungit.js
info: handshake authorized
info: GET /api/latestversion
info: GET /images/logo.png
info: GET /images/repositoryBackgroundArrowUp.png
info: GET /images/logoLarge.png
info: GET /fonts/OpenSans.woff
npm http GET
npm http GET
info: handshake authorized
info: GET /images/logo.png
info: GET /images/repositoryBackgroundArrowUp.png
info: GET /images/logoLarge.png
info: GET /api/status?path=%2Froot
info: GET /fonts/OpenSans.woff
npm http 304
npm http 304
info: GET /api/latestversion


FredrikNoren commented 11 years ago

Sorry for the late response; did you get any further with this? Otherwise; first of try the latest version of ungit, and secondly can you paste the output in the browsers console?