FredrikNoren / ungit

The easiest way to use git. On any platform. Anywhere.
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Ungit crashing after a few seconds #1455

Closed GautierT closed 3 years ago

GautierT commented 3 years ago


ungit is crashing after a few minutes like this :

2020-12-18T09:24:36.129Z - error: Error: read EFAULT
    at Pipe.onStreamRead (node:internal/stream_base_commons:213:20)
Stopped keeping ungit alive

I have the same problem with nodemon ( for my nodejs process. Maybe it's related to the fact that i am on a Apple Silicon processor ?


campersau commented 3 years ago

How do you start ungit? Via commandline (which arguments / node version?) or using the electron package? Could you please try out the build from

GautierT commented 3 years ago

Hi @campersau . thanks for looking into this. i start ungit from the cli. node -v : v15.4.0 ungit -v: 1.5.13+dad9659

i installed ungit using npm install -g ungit.

i will test the arm64 electron package and come back to you

GautierT commented 3 years ago

hey! I switch to arch -x86_64 zsh (so the rosetta 2 emulator instead of native) and it seems to fix it. So i guess it's problem with nodejs on arm. Sorry for the trouble !