FredrikNoren / ungit

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UX Issues - Cloning Repo, Adding Location #1519

Open TombPlays opened 2 years ago

TombPlays commented 2 years ago

Hi all,

Got a couple of little issues with the UI in Ungit.

  1. Cloning a repo via https:

    • Clones fine, creates local folder fine, ui appears showing repo.
    • Repo not present in list when pressing back button to list of repos
  2. Usually in attempt to rectify the above Adding local repo via main list to address bar

    • Enter the local directory into the address bar
    • Expected Behaviour: the plus "+" to appear on the right of the address bar to add the repo
    • Actual Behaviour: required to click away or out of the box before the "+" will appear

v: 1.5.20