Closed kippasaurr closed 11 months ago
You are likely either using a really outdated version of this module or the sv_mysqloolib
library. I suggest updating both.
This is the content Of The File Im using
--[==[ This library aims to provide an easier and less verbose way to use mysqloo Function overview:
Returns: the modified database
Modifies an existing database to make use of the extended functionality of this library
mysqloo.CreateDatabase(host, username, password [, database, port, socket])
Returns: the newly created database instance
Does the same as mysqloo.connect() but adds convenient functions provided by this library
Query callbacks are of this structure:
function callback([additionalArgs], query, status, dataOrError) end
additionalArgs are any additional arguments that are passed after the callback in RunQuery and similar
query is the query object that represents the started query
status is true if the query executed successfully, false otherwise
dataOrError is either the results returned by query:getData() if the query executed successfully
or and error message if an error occured (use status to know which one)
Note: dataOrError is nil for transaction if the transaction finished successfully
Database:RunQuery(queryStr, [callback [, additionalArgs]])
queryStr: the query to run
callback: the callback function that is called when the query is done
additionalArgs: any args that will be passed to the callback function on success (see callback structure)
Returns: the query that has been created and started
Description: Creates and runs a mysqloo query using the specified queryStr and runs the provided
callback function when the query finished. If no callback function is provided then an error message is printed if the query errors
Example: database:RunQuery("SELECT 1", function(query, status, data)
Database:PrepareQuery(queryStr, parameterValues, [callback [, additionalArgs])
queryStr: the query string to run with ? representing parameters to be passed in parameterValues
parameterValues: a table containing values that are supposed to replace the ? in the prepared query
additionalArgs: see Database:RunQuery()
Returns: the prepared query that has been created and started
Description: Creates and runs a mysqloo prepared query using the specified queryStr and parameters and runs the provided
callback function when the query finished. If no callback function is provided then an error message is printed if the query errors
Example: database:PrepareQuery("SELECT ?, ?", {1, "a"}, function(query, status, data)
Parameters: none
Returns: a transaction object
queryStr: the query to run
Returns: the query that has been added to the transaction
Description: Same as Database:RunQuery() but doesn't take a callback and instead of starting the query
adds the query to the transaction
Transaction:Prepare(queryStr, parameterValues)
queryStr: the query string to run with ? representing parameters to be passed in parameterValues
parameterValues: a table containing values that are supposed to replace the ? in the prepared query
Returns: the prepared query that has been added to the transaction
Description: Same as Database:PrepareQuery() but doesn't take a callback and instead of starting the query
adds the query to the transaction
Transaction:Start(callback [, additionalArgs])
callback: The callback that is called when the transaction is finished
additionalArgs: see Database:RunQuery()
Returns: nothing
Description: starts the transaction and calls the callback when done
If the transaction finishes successfully all queries that belong to it have been
executed successfully. If the transaction fails none of the queries will have had effect
Check for more information
Transaction example:
local transaction = Database:CreateTransaction()
transaction:Query("SELECT 1")
transaction:Prepare("INSERT INTO `some_tbl` (`some_field`) VALUES(?)", {1})
transaction:Query("SELECT * FROM `some_tbl` WHERE `id` = LAST_INSERT_ID()")
transaction:Start(function(transaction, status, err)
if (!status) then error(err) end
if (mysqloo.VERSION != "9" || !mysqloo.MINOR_VERSION || tonumber(mysqloo.MINOR_VERSION) < 1) then MsgC(Color(255, 0, 0), "You are using an outdated mysqloo version\n") MsgC(Color(255, 0, 0), "Download the latest mysqloo9 from here\n") MsgC(Color(86, 156, 214), "") return end
local db = {} local dbMetatable = {__index = db}
//This converts an already existing database instance to be able to make use //of the easier functionality provided by mysqloo.CreateDatabase function mysqloo.ConvertDatabase(database) return setmetatable(database, dbMetatable) end
//The same as mysqloo.connect() but adds easier functionality function mysqloo.CreateDatabase(...) local db = mysqloo.connect(...) db:connect() return mysqloo.ConvertDatabase(db) end
local function addQueryFunctions(query, func, ...) local oldtrace = debug.traceback() local args = {...} table.insert(args, query) function query.onAborted(qu) table.insert(args, false) table.insert(args, "aborted") if (func) then func(unpack(args)) end end
function query.onError(qu, err)
table.insert(args, false)
table.insert(args, err)
if (func) then
ErrorNoHalt(err .. "\n" .. oldtrace .. "\n")
function query.onSuccess(qu, data)
table.insert(args, true)
table.insert(args, data)
if (func) then
function db:RunQuery(str, callback, ...) local query = self:query(str) addQueryFunctions(query, callback, ...) query:start() return query end
local function setPreparedQueryArguments(query, values) if (type(values) != "table") then values = { values } end local typeFunctions = { ["string"] = function(query, index, value) query:setString(index, value) end, ["number"] = function(query, index, value) query:setNumber(index, value) end, ["boolean"] = function(query, index, value) query:setBoolean(index, value) end, } //This has to be pairs instead of ipairs //because nil is allowed as value for k, v in pairs(values) do local varType = type(v) if (typeFunctions[varType]) then typeFunctions[varType](query, k, v) else query:setString(k, tostring(v)) end end end
function db:PrepareQuery(str, values, callback, ...) self.CachedStatements = self.CachedStatements or {} local preparedQuery = self.CachedStatements[str] or self:prepare(str) addQueryFunctions(preparedQuery, callback, ...) setPreparedQueryArguments(preparedQuery, values) preparedQuery:start() return preparedQuery end
local transaction = {} local transactionMT = {__index = transaction}
function transaction:Prepare(str, values) //TODO: Cache queries local preparedQuery = self._db:prepare(str) setPreparedQueryArguments(preparedQuery, values) self:addQuery(preparedQuery) return preparedQuery end function transaction:Query(str) local query = self._db:query(str) self:addQuery(query) return query end
function transaction:Start(callback, ...) local args = {...} table.insert(args, self) function self:onSuccess() table.insert(args, true) if (callback) then callback(unpack(args)) end end function self:onError(err) err = err or "aborted" table.insert(args, false) table.insert(args, err) if (callback) then callback(unpack(args)) else ErrorNoHalt(err) end end self.onAborted = self.onError self:start() end
function db:CreateTransaction() local transaction = self:createTransaction() transaction._db = self setmetatable(transaction, transactionMT) return transaction end
This looks like it is current. Are you sure you are using the latest version of this module?
I do believe so
By module do you mean the .dll file?
Yeah Its running MySQLOO 9 I think, are you able to give me a link to the new one? if there is a newer updated one
OK cool, Ive got that and put it in my lua/bin/ folder but it didnt work still getting the error
I just tested the mysqloolib from this repository and it works when using PrepareQuery
So you either downloaded the wrong version of this lib (32 rather than 64 or vice versa), or there is some error in the file provided by starwarsrp.
[_glua_net_monitor] gamemodes/starwarsrp/gamemode/modules/mysql/sv_mysqloolib.lua:173: attempt to call method 'prepare' (a nil value)
PrepareQuery - gamemodes/starwarsrp/gamemode/modules/mysql/sv_mysqloolib.lua:173
SetRegiment - gamemodes/starwarsrp/gamemode/modules/jobs/sv_jobs.lua:274
Code for the error
function db:PrepareQuery(str, values, callback, ...) self.CachedStatements = self.CachedStatements or {} local preparedQuery = self.CachedStatements[str] or self:prepare(str) addQueryFunctions(preparedQuery, callback, ...) setPreparedQueryArguments(preparedQuery, values) preparedQuery:start() return preparedQuery end