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Speed Enforces sometimes can't use roadspikes #159

Closed satoshiaaron closed 7 years ago

satoshiaaron commented 9 years ago

It will sometimes say that the speed enforcer needs to pick up his roadspikes. It only happens sometimes, but it has happened more than once.

JDaymon commented 9 years ago

I can vouch for this, it's usually when you've already deployed them once and picked it up

Exnem commented 9 years ago

You have to stay crouched the entire time til it's fully deployed. Otherwise it will bug out and tell you that you haven't picked them up. I specifically tested this on the server and this is the only time it bugs out.

FredyH commented 9 years ago

Even when I don't crouch for the entire time of deployment/getting it back it still works for me

chrisadamson commented 8 years ago

Fredy, had an issue with this today. Was unable to deploy roadspikes despite never putting them down and being respawned.

and yes i know how to place them

Exnem commented 8 years ago

Fredy, keep placing and picking them up multiple times. 80% of the times i want to place roadspikes they disappear. I have to stand completely still for 3 seconds before it even works properly.

I move when i place them, which may be the issue.

lelios1 commented 8 years ago

I get this randomly. and it is very annoying. There were many times that I quickly equipped my roadspikes and tried to deploy them to stop a fleeing vehicle but it failed saying to me that I have already deployed them somewhere else even if I never used them before.

jimmythehamster commented 8 years ago

I'm still getting this bug regularly, I'd really like to see it fixed soon, if you can't reproduce it yourself hit me up and I'll record a video because it happens to me so often.

JDaymon commented 7 years ago

Works fine now