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Unable to take out Silenced beretta #318

Closed ghost closed 7 years ago

ghost commented 8 years ago

Upon trying to take out an m9 beretta I receive some script errors. There is no specific factor in this as it has occurred now for the past 3 days every time I've tried to take it out so I think it simply might be a bug within my storage. Here are the errors I recieve

StephenPuffs commented 8 years ago

I've let Fredy know about this, he will be looking into it.

FredyH commented 8 years ago

is this still happening?

ghost commented 8 years ago

Yep still happens, now I got another silenced beretta here is what happens.

The inventory displays 2 seperate berettas both with their silencers on, upon taking one out, the image of both stays there but another image appears which is just an empty square with a '1' symboling there is 1 of this in my storage. Whenever I take one out, it will always take out the 'working' beretta, so I placed it in org storage and then I had apparently 3 still in my storage, tried clicking all of them and the empty picture one and just got the same error as before. If I place the 'working' beretta back in my storage it just places it as a seperate item, this can lead to me having something like this basically. In reality i only have 2 berettas with a silencer attatchement in my storage

EDIT : Tried with 3 berettas in my storage, taking some out and some in. At the beginning when I first use my storage it displays 1 seperate beretta from before the update that I had silenced and 3 of the ones that I can only assume are from after the update. By taking some out and some in this is what happens when all of them are placed back into my storage here is what happens for some reason (closing storage and reopening fixes it but sometimes causes a load of single berettas to appear or sometimes just goes back to the 1, 3 like I mentioned)

FredyH commented 7 years ago

The old item doesn't even exist anymore, so I don't see how you could still have it.