FredyH / Perpheads-Issues

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Duplication Glitch #962

Closed Synatec closed 4 years ago

Synatec commented 4 years ago

Ok, first of all, I have no idea how I did this. I was just crafting some AK-47s when suddenly an AK bugged out and didnt wanna take attachments. Upon closer inspection I saw it didnt use 2 parts of the gun. I had exactly enough materials on me to craft 5 AKs and it left me with leftover materials and 5 AKs. I wasn't recording at this time as it was 5AM so I don't have it on video.

When I tried loading the bugged AK, it swallowed my mag. I dropped the AK and picked it back up, everything was fine when I did this but I still had duplicated items leftover. You could check logs and see that I took out exactly enough.

I will hapily try to help find how I managed to do this, send me a message on steam or PM me on the forums.

Exactly what I was doing when this happened below. I already crafted a lot of ammo, mags and other items. I was on the phone with someone using /call while crafting the AKs. I took out enough materials for 5 AKs. On the 4th AK it started to bug out. I tried putting attachments on the AK but it said I didn't have a compatible gun on me when I obviously did. Upon loading, it ate my mag which dissapeared never to return. I dropped the AK and the duplicated parts I had on the floor and picked them back up again. When I did this, everything was fine and worked again. I was then able to use the duplicated parts and materials to craft with.

Hope this helps, this could be pretty major.

Some images here.