FredyH / Perpheads-Issues

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Penguin 2019 Doll bugs and issues #976

Closed Exnem closed 4 years ago

Exnem commented 4 years ago

When dropped it has no physics and cannot be picked up again. I assume it returns to storage on DC.

On top of that, here's an error I received immediately on join.

[ERROR] gamemodes/perp/entities/weapons/item_holiday2019doll/shared.lua:43: Tried to use a NULL entity!

  1. SetColor - [C]:-1
    1. unknown - gamemodes/perp/entities/weapons/item_holiday2019doll/shared.lua:43

The penguin npc is inside an invisible wall, if you get out of your car near it or in it you will not be able to move

AyjayIsCool commented 4 years ago

This should be fixed already, make another bug report if you find any further problems.