At the end of every bot message a short "bot information" piece is added, saying
NationStatesApiBot 2.3.1 by drehtisch.
but it should say
NationStatesApiBot 2.3.1 by drehtisch aka Tigerania.
so people can contact the owner about the bot via the usual NationStates site.
When residency is output, it is like this:
Resident since 2 years 32 days.
however, usual english grammar syntax is to say
Resident for 2 years 32 days.
Since: in the intervening period between (the time mentioned) and the time under consideration, typically the present. So it's usually used as in "since 2 October 2018". Saying resident for "x time" is more grammatically correct.
First At the end of every bot message a short "bot information" piece is added, saying
but it should say
so people can contact the owner about the bot via the usual NationStates site.
Second When residency is output, it is like this:
however, usual english grammar syntax is to say
Since: in the intervening period between (the time mentioned) and the time under consideration, typically the present. So it's usually used as in "since 2 October 2018". Saying resident for "x time" is more grammatically correct.