Free-Software-for-Android / Standalone-Calendar

Android calendar application
60 stars 32 forks source link

Update? #9

Open openpaul opened 10 years ago

openpaul commented 10 years ago

I was just wondering if you are still maintaining this app?

dschuermann commented 10 years ago

nope, I never maintained it :) I just created some build files to build the AOSP Calendar. If you want to take over maintainig feel free to fork

mathstuf commented 9 years ago

Yeah, I can see this app becoming a lot more popular with the lollipop version being a downer (so far), so +1 for resurrecting it (somewhere). I, unfortunately, don't have the knowhow in java nor the time :( . I'm willing to test though.

thewhitetulip commented 9 years ago

I would like to convert the cm12 calendar into a standalone calendar, how can I update this to the cm-12 version and not break backward compatibility?

459below commented 9 years ago

I looked at what Schürmann did and replicated those steps. Though I didn't use any Cyanogen repos, but only AOSP repos directly. Thus I couldn't fork this project. One could build a 6.0 Version of the App using eclipse and those steps I documented in the

But note, that I won't give any additional help.

thewhitetulip commented 9 years ago

Hey, actually we do not need a stand alone calendar app, if you search in the Fdroid then you can find the app which uses a clever hack to use the existing calendar without the need to sync, it adds a local account, I forgot the name, but if you search for calendar you'll find it, I stopped using android phone so unable to tell the exact name

dschuermann commented 9 years ago

This app is maintained by me and called Offline Calendar ;)

459below commented 9 years ago

@thewhitetulip I don't think the purpose of Offline Calendar and Standalone Calendar are the same. As it says in the description "Some people do not have the open source calendar from AOSP and are forced to use either the proprietary Google Calendar from Google Play or the shipped crippled calendar from e.g. Samsung." So this Standalone Calendar solves the issue of the blocked package name "" on e.g. Samsung stock roms. So you would be forced to use S-Planner or Google Calendar. Standalone Calendar would be the only way for one to use the own e.g. ownCloud Calendar with a AOSP like calendar properly, since Google Calendar seems to always prefer Google's Calendar as destination for new events.

@dschuermann I updated the description to give credit to you. I did just copy your steps after all.