Free60Project / xell-reloaded

Xenon Linux Loader RELOADED / 2-stages
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DHCP freeze issue #8

Open TechGuyVincent opened 2 years ago

TechGuyVincent commented 2 years ago

Latest version of Xell Corona MB with RGH 3

When running it the first time to fetch the CPU key over the network, all is ok.

After the first reboot, Xell hangs if the network cable is present. If disconnected Xell boots.

Even if I add new config by USB, as soon as the networking cable gets connected, fatal crash. Freezes at the * Requesting DHCP window, or if I plug in after that (get the default static IP) fatally crashes.

AR1972 commented 7 months ago

defining only one DNS server in your DHCP config allows the Xbox to pull an IP address without crashing. I believe this patch is relevant to this issue

zbikk commented 2 months ago

having the same issue, everytime i try to boot into xell with the ethernet cable plugged in it will freeze here:


Cosmycal commented 2 months ago

Same issue here