FreeAndFair / OpenRLA

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Display ballot images in audit mark view #13

Open ranweiler opened 7 years ago

ranweiler commented 7 years ago

Right now, we can perform audits, but do not actually display the images associated with the ballot under audit.

kiniry commented 7 years ago

Displaying the image captured by the scanner used to interpret paper ballots into CVRs is an optional feature. It is unclear at this point in time how often this feature will be demanded by auditors. I believe it is important to have this feature ready and available now.

Note that there will likely be two different workflows demanded by policy or law with regards to displaying machine scans of ballots: either the images should be shown immediately, concurrent with the CVR, or they should be shown only after the auditor finds, interprets, and adjudicates the paper ballot against the CVR.

We need to design the whole subsystem responsible for ballot image manipulation during adjudication, since that will rely upon our election logging system as well as our crypto library's support for ballot image integrity and provenance in workflows such as audits.

ranweiler commented 7 years ago

Thanks @kiniry. While working towards the current milestone, I'll address this last, since it is more of a nice-to-have, and the production implementation will ultimately depend on some other questions being answered.

nealmcb commented 7 years ago

Displaying unverified CVRs or ballot images to an auditor before they see, interpret and record their observations of the paper ballot hurts the independence and integrity of the audit. In order to avoid unnecessary data entry when the wrong ballot is pulled, auditors should be told the ballot style of the ballot they are seeking, and we might want to have some other mechanisms like showing an image to someone who retrieves the ballot, but not the person who interprets and enters the ballot marks.

ranweiler commented 7 years ago

Noted. Removing this from the demo milestone. We can use this issue for design discussions of what version of this feature we would like to see, and is appropriate wrt the issues @nealmcb raised.