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Stand-alone repo to Build and Deploy installable FreeCAD images
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AppImage icon is still missing on Desktop Integration (Ubuntu 22.10) #155

Closed leoheck closed 1 year ago

leoheck commented 1 year ago

Hi guys,

The desktop icon is still missing on my system. This problem was never fixed. Do you guys have any idea what I can do to fix this?


I have a single Desktop launcher (which is good so I am not making any mistakes on this)


The latest entry of the icon looks like this one


I found that there are also tons of freecad icons available but none of them are being used. These may be leftovers of the app image update tool. (so maybe their issue)


The referenced icon exists in the .local/share/application/icons/default/ directory


The image of the icon is good too.


I have no clue what is the issue. Maybe the desktop file does not look for things inside the .local/share/application/icons/default/.

I am using Ubuntu 22.10 I am using the weekly AppImages The current one is FreeCAD_weekly-builds-31917-2023-02-23-conda-Linux-x86_64-py310.AppImage I update Freecad Weekly very often.

This is my old and related one.

Freecad version by the way.

OS: Ubuntu 22.10 (ubuntu:GNOME/ubuntu)
Word size of FreeCAD: 64-bit
Version: (Git) AppImage
Build type: Release
Branch: master
Hash: 4639283b459f9ff9093e289908cc003db8745b82
Python 3.10.9, Qt 5.15.6, Coin 4.0.0, Vtk 9.1.0, OCC 7.6.3
Locale: English/United States (en_US)
Installed mods: 
  * Defeaturing 1.2.0
  * Curves 0.6.6
  * fasteners 0.4.54
  * lattice2 1.0.0
  * FreeCAD_Assembly4 0.12.5
  * kicadStepUpMod 10.17.1
  * ProDarkThemePreferencePack 1.0.0
  * Help 1.0.3
leoheck commented 1 year ago

Taking as an example another AppImage that has this icon working is appimagetool.



I found those icons in a different place:


Another example is Arduino



The icon is here


After placing the Freecad icon manually in the above folders... it works! Good.



Just another issue. The existing Freecad Icon is 60x60... this one was resized to 64x64 to be placed inside the 64x64 folder The others were resized to 128x128 and 256x256 respectively.

It would be nice to have this change in the Freecad AppImage. And also the right resolution for each image, of course.

adrianinsaval commented 1 year ago

I don't think any of this is handled by this appimage so there is nothing to do here, this is a problem in your system and whatever tool you are using for integrating your appimages.

luzpaz commented 1 year ago

Maybe checking upstream with the AppImage folks ?

leoheck commented 1 year ago

this is a problem in your system and whatever tool you are using for integrating your appimages.

@adrianinsaval hmm perhaps this is the issue. I am using Ubuntu 22.10 with Gnome, with AppImage Launcher.

Now that you mentioned it, I thought the AppImage Launcher was the right way to use these things. But it may not be the standard/official or the only method, indeed.

How do you manage AppImages? Do you have a recommendation for me to try?

leoheck commented 1 year ago

Maybe checking upstream with the AppImage folks ?

@luzpaz, I did not understand what you are saying, could you explain it better?

adrianinsaval commented 1 year ago

I used appimagelauncher at some point but then got tired of it's shenanigans and uninstalled it, I kept the FreeCAD desktop file and edited it myself, changed the icon to something persistent and also renamed the appimage to something persistent (FreeCAD.AppInage) and use a script to auto rename the appimage to this when updating.

leoheck commented 1 year ago

Yeah, I am doing this, but we could have this working. But I like to keep Freecad Weekly updated to taste the latest changes. And fixing this, somehow, could help me, you, and others. I will investigate with AppLauncher is we should be doing something different here or not.

leoheck commented 1 year ago

I found this appimagelint by the same author of the AppImage Launcher. It could give us a hint on where the issues may be.

The following picture is just the end of the command, which is relevant here but I am attaching the output as text too.


~/Applications …
➜ ./appimagelint-x86_64.AppImage FreeCAD_weekly-builds-31917-2023-03-19-conda-Linux-x86_64-py310.AppImage 
appimagelint.cli[597535] [INFO] Checking AppImage FreeCAD_weekly-builds-31917-2023-03-19-conda-Linux-x86_64-py310.AppImage
appimagelint.cli[597535] [INFO] Running check "GNU libc ABI check"
appimagelint.glibc_abi_check[597535] [INFO] detected required version for runtime: 2.14
appimagelint.glibc_abi_check[597535] [INFO] detected required version for payload: 2.33
appimagelint.cache[597535] [INFO] Fetching glibc version data for debian
appimagelint.setup[597535] [INFO] Fetching glibc package versions from Debian sources API
appimagelint.glibc_abi_check[597535] [INFO] [✖] AppImage can run on Debian oldstable (buster)
appimagelint.glibc_abi_check[597535] [INFO] [✖] AppImage can run on Debian stable (bullseye)
appimagelint.glibc_abi_check[597535] [INFO] [✔] AppImage can run on Debian testing (bookworm)
appimagelint.glibc_abi_check[597535] [INFO] [✔] AppImage can run on Debian unstable (sid)
appimagelint.cache[597535] [INFO] Fetching glibc version data for ubuntu
appimagelint.setup[597535] [INFO] Fetching glibc package versions from Ubuntu FTP mirror
appimagelint.glibc_abi_check[597535] [INFO] [✔] AppImage can run on Ubuntu kinetic
appimagelint.glibc_abi_check[597535] [INFO] [✔] AppImage can run on Ubuntu jammy
appimagelint.glibc_abi_check[597535] [INFO] [✖] AppImage can run on Ubuntu focal
appimagelint.glibc_abi_check[597535] [INFO] [✖] AppImage can run on Ubuntu bionic
appimagelint.glibc_abi_check[597535] [INFO] [✖] AppImage can run on Ubuntu xenial
appimagelint.glibc_abi_check[597535] [INFO] [✖] AppImage can run on Ubuntu trusty
appimagelint.cache[597535] [INFO] Fetching glibc version data for centos
appimagelint.setup[597535] [INFO] Fetching glibc package versions from CentOS mirror
appimagelint.glibc_abi_check[597535] [INFO] [✖] AppImage can run on CentOS 7
appimagelint.cli[597535] [INFO] Running check "GNU libstdc++ ABI check"
appimagelint.glibcxx_abi_check[597535] [INFO] detected required version for runtime: <none>
appimagelint.glibcxx_abi_check[597535] [INFO] detected required version for payload: 3.4.30
appimagelint.cache[597535] [INFO] Fetching glibcxx version data for debian
appimagelint.gnu_lib_versions_symbols_finder[597535] [WARNING] no binaries found in /dev/shm/appimagelint-5gvg3arn.tmp/out/
appimagelint.gnu_lib_versions_symbols_finder[597535] [WARNING] no binaries found in /dev/shm/appimagelint-fndju916.tmp/out/
appimagelint.gnu_lib_versions_symbols_finder[597535] [WARNING] no binaries found in /dev/shm/appimagelint-pugd44a3.tmp/out/
appimagelint.gnu_lib_versions_symbols_finder[597535] [WARNING] no binaries found in /dev/shm/appimagelint-0yafo_a4.tmp/out/
appimagelint.glibcxx_abi_check[597535] [INFO] [✖] AppImage can run on Debian oldstable (buster)
appimagelint.glibcxx_abi_check[597535] [INFO] [✖] AppImage can run on Debian stable (bullseye)
appimagelint.glibcxx_abi_check[597535] [INFO] [✖] AppImage can run on Debian testing (bookworm)
appimagelint.glibcxx_abi_check[597535] [INFO] [✖] AppImage can run on Debian unstable (sid)
appimagelint.cache[597535] [INFO] Fetching glibcxx version data for ubuntu
appimagelint.gnu_lib_versions_symbols_finder[597535] [WARNING] no binaries found in /dev/shm/appimagelint-n6u_x6xf.tmp/out/
appimagelint.gnu_lib_versions_symbols_finder[597535] [WARNING] no binaries found in /dev/shm/appimagelint-ejazizt8.tmp/out/
appimagelint.gnu_lib_versions_symbols_finder[597535] [WARNING] no binaries found in /dev/shm/appimagelint-qrigh4ny.tmp/out/
appimagelint.gnu_lib_versions_symbols_finder[597535] [WARNING] no binaries found in /dev/shm/appimagelint-vqqpktak.tmp/out/
appimagelint.gnu_lib_versions_symbols_finder[597535] [WARNING] no binaries found in /dev/shm/appimagelint-bwriaghg.tmp/out/
appimagelint.gnu_lib_versions_symbols_finder[597535] [WARNING] no binaries found in /dev/shm/appimagelint-tan80359.tmp/out/
appimagelint.glibcxx_abi_check[597535] [INFO] [✔] AppImage can run on Ubuntu kinetic
appimagelint.glibcxx_abi_check[597535] [INFO] [✔] AppImage can run on Ubuntu jammy
appimagelint.glibcxx_abi_check[597535] [INFO] [✖] AppImage can run on Ubuntu focal
appimagelint.glibcxx_abi_check[597535] [INFO] [✖] AppImage can run on Ubuntu bionic
appimagelint.glibcxx_abi_check[597535] [INFO] [✖] AppImage can run on Ubuntu xenial
appimagelint.glibcxx_abi_check[597535] [INFO] [✖] AppImage can run on Ubuntu trusty
appimagelint.cache[597535] [INFO] Fetching glibcxx version data for centos
appimagelint.setup[597535] [INFO] Fetching libstdc++ package versions from CentOS mirror
appimagelint.glibcxx_abi_check[597535] [INFO] [✖] AppImage can run on CentOS 7
appimagelint.cli[597535] [INFO] Running check "Icons validity and location check"
appimagelint.icons_check[597535] [INFO] Extracting icon name from desktop file: /tmp/.mount_FreeCAk4Jhzv/freecad_weekly.desktop
appimagelint.icons_check[597535] [WARNING] Multiple matching icons found in AppDir root, checking all
appimagelint.icons_check[597535] [INFO] Checking resolution of icon: /tmp/.mount_FreeCAk4Jhzv/freecad_weekly.png
appimagelint.icons_check[597535] [WARNING] icon X resolution 60 is unknown, icon will most likely not be used and just wastes space
appimagelint.icons_check[597535] [WARNING] icon Y resolution 60 is unknown, icon will most likely not be used and just wastes space
appimagelint.icons_check[597535] [INFO] Checking resolution of icon: /tmp/.mount_FreeCAk4Jhzv/freecad_weekly.svg
appimagelint.icons_check[597535] [INFO] [✔] Valid icon in AppDir root
appimagelint.icons_check[597535] [INFO] Checking resolution of icon: /tmp/.mount_FreeCAk4Jhzv/.DirIcon
appimagelint.icons_check[597535] [WARNING] icon X resolution 60 is unknown, icon will most likely not be used and just wastes space
appimagelint.icons_check[597535] [WARNING] icon Y resolution 60 is unknown, icon will most likely not be used and just wastes space
appimagelint.icons_check[597535] [INFO] [✔] Valid icon file in .DirIcon
appimagelint.icons_check[597535] [INFO] Checking resolution of icon: /tmp/.mount_FreeCAk4Jhzv/usr/share/icons/default/freecad_weekly.png
appimagelint.icons_check[597535] [WARNING] icon X resolution 60 is unknown, icon will most likely not be used and just wastes space
appimagelint.icons_check[597535] [WARNING] icon Y resolution 60 is unknown, icon will most likely not be used and just wastes space
appimagelint.icons_check[597535] [WARNING] Icon default/freecad_weekly.png is in non-standard location
appimagelint.icons_check[597535] [WARNING] Could not find icon resolution at expected position in path, trying to guess from entire path
appimagelint.icons_check[597535] [ERROR] Could not extract resolution from icon path,should be usr/share/icons/<theme>/<res>/apps/<name>.<ext>
appimagelint.icons_check[597535] [WARNING] Icon found whose file name doesn't match the Icon= entry in desktop file: hicolor/16x16/apps/freecad.png
appimagelint.icons_check[597535] [WARNING] Icon found whose file name doesn't match the Icon= entry in desktop file: hicolor/32x32/apps/freecad.png
appimagelint.icons_check[597535] [WARNING] Icon found whose file name doesn't match the Icon= entry in desktop file: hicolor/48x48/apps/freecad.png
appimagelint.icons_check[597535] [WARNING] Icon found whose file name doesn't match the Icon= entry in desktop file: hicolor/64x64/apps/freecad.png
appimagelint.icons_check[597535] [WARNING] Icon found whose file name doesn't match the Icon= entry in desktop file: hicolor/scalable/apps/freecad.svg
appimagelint.icons_check[597535] [WARNING] Icon found whose file name doesn't match the Icon= entry in desktop file: hicolor/scalable/apps/org.freecadweb.FreeCAD.svg
appimagelint.icons_check[597535] [WARNING] Icon found whose file name doesn't match the Icon= entry in desktop file: hicolor/scalable/mimetypes/application-x-extension-fcstd.svg
appimagelint.icons_check[597535] [WARNING] no other icons found
appimagelint.icons_check[597535] [INFO] [✖] Other integration icons valid
appimagelint.cli[597535] [INFO] Running check "Desktop files existence and validity"
appimagelint.desktop_files[597535] [INFO] Checking desktop files in root directory
appimagelint.desktop_files[597535] [INFO] [✔] Exactly one desktop file in AppDir root
appimagelint.desktop_files[597535] [INFO] Checking desktop file /tmp/.mount_FreeCAvkdizH/usr/share/applications/freecad_weekly.desktop with desktop-file-validate
/tmp/.mount_FreeCAvkdizH/usr/share/applications/freecad_weekly.desktop: hint: value "Engineering;" for key "Categories" in group "Desktop Entry" does not contain a registered main category; application might only show up in a "catch-all" section of the application menu
appimagelint.desktop_files[597535] [INFO] Checking desktop file /tmp/.mount_FreeCAvkdizH/usr/share/applications/org.freecadweb.FreeCAD.desktop with desktop-file-validate
/tmp/.mount_FreeCAvkdizH/usr/share/applications/org.freecadweb.FreeCAD.desktop: warning: value "Система автоматизированного проектирования" for key "Comment[ru]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[ru]"
/tmp/.mount_FreeCAvkdizH/usr/share/applications/org.freecadweb.FreeCAD.desktop: hint: value "Graphics;Science;Education;Engineering;" for key "Categories" in group "Desktop Entry" contains more than one main category; application might appear more than once in the application menu
/tmp/.mount_FreeCAvkdizH/usr/share/applications/org.freecadweb.FreeCAD.desktop: hint: value "Graphics;Science;Education;Engineering;" for key "Categories" in group "Desktop Entry" contains more than one main category; application might appear more than once in the application menu
appimagelint.desktop_files[597535] [INFO] Checking desktop file /tmp/.mount_FreeCAvkdizH/freecad_weekly.desktop with desktop-file-validate
/tmp/.mount_FreeCAvkdizH/freecad_weekly.desktop: hint: value "Engineering;" for key "Categories" in group "Desktop Entry" does not contain a registered main category; application might only show up in a "catch-all" section of the application menu
appimagelint.desktop_files[597535] [INFO] [✔] All desktop files in AppDir are valid
TheAssassin commented 1 year ago

The log in hints that the most likely issue with the icons is that it has an incorrect resolution. Desktop environments are very picky about this.

I integrated the AppImage using ail-cli integrate (shouldn't really matter, though; in the end, most tools just use, so they work the same). Log output excerpt:

WARNING: Unable to resize the application icon into a 128x128 image: "Unable to load image.". It will be written unchanged.
WARNING: Unable to resize the application icon into a 256x256 image: "Unable to load image.". It will be written unchanged.

Not sure why this happens, but that's another issue. This is, after all, just an attempt to make a broken icon work nevertheless. It's always better not to rely on this logic.

I cleaned up the icon mess as follows:

Et voilà, working result:


It is documented (somewhere) that the integration algorithm just copies the icons following their layout in usr/share/icons. If these paths violate the XDG icon theme spec or the contents are invalid due to, e.g., invalid icon sizes, they will be ignored by virtually any desktop implementing this specification. It's really that simple. The renaming is done to avoid collisions when having multiple AppImages integrated, but that doesn't have any influence on the result.

We see that appimagelint's report is correct and provides the right hints to fix the problem and provide a compliant outcome. No suitable icon was found, as it reports:

appimagelint.icons_check[597535] [ERROR] Could not extract resolution from icon path,should be usr/share/icons/<theme>/<res>/apps/<name>.<ext>

@leoheck all these old icons are just leftovers. Feel free to clean them up. I'm not sure if AppImageLauncher's built-in updater does that; however, appimagelauncherd should see that the old AppImage is gone and clean up leftovers. In any case, these are at most a few MiB, so nothing to worry about, really.

Edit: as a user of both upstream FreeCAD and the Link Branch variant, I also found the lack of an icon irritating before. It's a really good idea to fix this and I appreciate @leoheck's initiative.

Edit 2: in fact, @leoheck already found out about the differing paths, too, but couldn't tell for sure that was the cause. I can confirm this. I have modified some recent weekly AppImage's contents and repacked it to an AppImage for debugging, which I could provide if needed. I think with my detailed description above, you will be able to fix the problem anyway, though.

leoheck commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the backup @TheAssassin. I applied those changes to the PR listed above.

leoheck commented 1 year ago

@TheAssassin @adrianinsaval

It worked flawlessly. The one on the left is my old low-quality workaround. The one in the right is the new and pretty 64x64 icon.


@TheAssassin thank you, this bothers me so much for such a long time.