FreeCAD / FreeCAD-Bundle

Stand-alone repo to Build and Deploy installable FreeCAD images
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Sketcher constraint cannot be deleted or selected #225

Closed ofpkubi closed 1 month ago

ofpkubi commented 1 month ago


There seems to be a fault selecting / deleting sketcher constraints in latest bundle appimage. FreeCAD_weekly-builds-36996-conda-Linux-x86_64-py311.AppImage - works FreeCAD_weekly-builds-37213-conda-Linux-x86_64-py311.AppImage - faulty

How to reproduce:

Once I've got the following message: "Delete: Selection not restricted to one sketch and its subelements"

caco3 commented 1 month ago

~~IMO there seem to be deletion issues since a while. Since weeks I am unable to delete any constraints in the sketcher.~~

This seems to be fixed with the latest version 27.05.2024