FreeCAD / FreeCAD-Bundle

Stand-alone repo to Build and Deploy installable FreeCAD images
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Version before TNP. #231

Closed leoheck closed 1 month ago

leoheck commented 1 month ago

Hey guys, could you share a version (AppImage) that works before the TNP starts to be fixed? There are too many issues happening after this.

FEA-eng commented 1 month ago

You should report any issues that you encounter (and that haven't been reported yet) so they can be fixed. The current TNP phase (testing and bug fixing) is meant for that.

leoheck commented 1 month ago

Sorry dude, I think you are not ok or did not understand or read the issue here. The issue here is asking for a valid version that works before this TPN shit started to be fixed since this introduced tons of bugs.

FEA-eng commented 1 month ago

If something is not ok, it’s definitely your approach.

Old weekly builds are not archived. I suggested reporting bugs because it’s a big problem that many FreeCAD users only complain about some unspecified issues but don’t want to report them so that they can be fixed.

leoheck commented 1 month ago
