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Report of research with patched pyside2-lupdate #151

Closed Kuzma30 closed 2 years ago

Kuzma30 commented 2 years ago

Want share some info and results of research. (

  1. I build with python3.10 (after applying patches from debian/patches dir)
  2. Then I run with this version. In my fork patch for AddonManager was previously added ( It add strings from Path Draft Arch and delete from Part.
  3. Then I run Black for all FreeCAD source. log deleted as it very big :)
  4. Then I make test changes in one .py file where was defined _translate() function and replace it to translate = FreeCAD.Qt.translate. Then I make rerun and this messages start shown in crowdin. Conclusion _translate ("Some texts") not recognized by patched pyside2-lupdate, but recognized with translate().
  5. I decide replace _translate with translate(). After rerun it add messages in crowdin to Part (36 strings same as deleted on 1st step) Image.

Conclusion. patched pyside2-lupdate works fine with comma at the end of string (from Black) and works with multiline string if they use translate() (not _translate())

ping @chennes

Kuzma30 commented 2 years ago

Знімок екрана з 2022-05-17 14-23-58 Report from crowdin

Kuzma30 commented 2 years ago

Still have unicode problem..

chennes commented 2 years ago

Yes, I think @yorikvanhavre was going to test to see if changing the default fro 8859 to UTF-8 resolved that.

yorikvanhavre commented 2 years ago

this is super useful research! i don't think _translate is used a lot, but might be a good time to kill them all. yes, i'll try to do the unicode fix tomorrow

Kuzma30 commented 2 years ago

After changing codec to UTF-8 in pyside2-debian it still not recognize Unicode... Looks like it will be better add support for ending comma to the pyqt5-debian @chennes @yorikvanhavre

chennes commented 2 years ago

Can you test the Unicode support in the official Qt 6.x dev branch? If it needs fixing there, then it's probably better to resolve the unicode issue instead (since the fix will be similar).

Kuzma30 commented 2 years ago

I have not Qt6 yet. I will spend much time with it to build dependencies (I think)

chennes commented 2 years ago

You don't have to build all of Qt6, just Linguist. I was able to build it without much pain (that I remember!).

Kuzma30 commented 2 years ago

What repository is it?

chennes commented 2 years ago

Kuzma30 commented 2 years ago

Ok I build QT6 source and qttools too. Now I have such binary:

~/QT/bin$ ls -1

There is lupdate but no pylupdate.

    lupdate [options] [project-file]...
    lupdate [options] [source-file|path|@lst-file]... -ts ts-files|@lst-file

lupdate is part of Qt's Linguist tool chain. It extracts translatable
messages from Qt UI files, C++, Java and JavaScript/QtScript source code.
Extracted messages are stored in textual translation source files (typically
Qt TS XML). New and modified messages can be merged into existing TS files.

Passing .pro files to lupdate is deprecated.
Please use the lupdate-pro tool instead.

    -help  Display this information and exit.
           Drop all obsolete and vanished strings.
    -extensions <ext>[,<ext>]...
           Process files with the given extensions only.
           The extension list must be separated with commas, not with whitespace.
           Default: 'java,jui,ui,c,c++,cc,cpp,cxx,ch,h,h++,hh,hpp,hxx,js,qs,qml,qrc'.
           Only include plural form messages.
           Do not explain what is being done.
           Do not sort contexts in TS files.
           Do not recursively scan directories.
           Recursively scan directories (default).
    -I <includepath> or -I<includepath>
           Additional location to look for include files.
           May be specified multiple times.
    -locations {absolute|relative|none}
           Specify/override how source code references are saved in TS files.
           Guessed from existing TS files if not specified.
           Default is absolute for new files.
           Do not record line numbers in references to UI files.
    -disable-heuristic {sametext|similartext|number}
           Disable the named merge heuristic. Can be specified multiple times.
    -project <filename>
           Name of a file containing the project's description in JSON format.
           Such a file may be generated from a .pro file using the lprodump tool.
    -pro <filename>
           Name of a .pro file. Useful for files with .pro file syntax but
           different file suffix. Projects are recursed into and merged.
           This option is deprecated. Use the lupdate-pro tool instead.
    -pro-out <directory>
           Virtual output directory for processing subsequent .pro files.
           Trace processing .pro files. Specify twice for more verbosity.
    -source-language <language>[_<region>]
           Specify the language of the source strings for new files.
           Defaults to POSIX if not specified.
    -target-language <language>[_<region>]
           Specify the language of the translations for new files.
           Guessed from the file name if not specified.
    -tr-function-alias <function>{+=,=}<alias>[,<function>{+=,=}<alias>]...
           With +=, recognize <alias> as an alternative spelling of <function>.
           With  =, recognize <alias> as the only spelling of <function>.
           Available <function>s (with their currently defined aliases) are:
             QT_TR_N_NOOP (=QT_TR_N_NOOP)
             QT_TRID_N_NOOP (=QT_TRID_N_NOOP)
             QT_TR_NOOP (=QT_TR_NOOP)
             QT_TRID_NOOP (=QT_TRID_NOOP)
             QT_TR_NOOP_UTF8 (=QT_TR_NOOP_UTF8)
             findMessage (=findMessage)
             qtTrId (=qtTrId)
             tr (=tr)
             trUtf8 (=trUtf8)
             translate (=translate)
             qsTr (=qsTr)
             qsTrId (=qsTrId)
             qsTranslate (=qsTranslate)
    -ts <ts-file>...
           Specify the output file(s). This will override the TRANSLATIONS.
           Display the version of lupdate and exit.
    -clang-parser [compilation-database-dir]
           Use clang to parse cpp files. Otherwise a custom parser is used.
           This option needs a clang compilation database (compile_commands.json)
           for the files that needs to be parsed.
           The path to the directory containing this file can be specified on the 
           command line, directly after the -clang-parser option, or in the .pro file
           by setting the variable LUPDATE_COMPILE_COMMANDS_PATH.
           A directory specified on the command line takes precedence.
           If no path is given, the compilation database will be searched
           in all parent paths of the first input file.
    -project-roots <directory>...
           Specify one or more project root directories.
           Only files below a project root are considered for translation when using
           the -clang-parser option.
           Read additional file names (one per line) or includepaths (one per
           line, and prefixed with -I) from lst-file.

There is no .py files in list

./lupdate -version
lupdate version 6.4.0
chennes commented 2 years ago

The lupdate command now processes Python, there is no separate pylupdate anymore. It just goes off the extension of the input file, if I recall correctly.

Kuzma30 commented 2 years ago

Test on Draft.ts. Look like it recognize unicode fine. Lines with comma it adds too. I have only one problem with Part. Script stop on it and after long waiting I press Ctrl-C. Script continue work.

I change PYLUPDATE to LUPDATE in script.

Edit. Script stops here

sed 's/<translation.*>.*<\/translation>/<translation type="unfinished"><\/translation>/g' Gui/Resources/translations/Part.ts > Gui/Resources/translations/Part.ts.temp
mv Gui/Resources/translations/Part.ts.temp Gui/Resources/translations/Part.ts
/home/alexandr/Qt/6.4.0/gcc_64/bin/lupdate -no-obsolete `find ./ -name "*.py"` -ts Gui/Resources/translations/Partpy.ts

ping @chennes

Kuzma30 commented 2 years ago

I found what file make problem. It is FreeCAD/src/Mod/Part/ After deleting commented part of code (except header) it start work fine.

Edit. Conclusion. _translate() don't recognize. We need cleanup code from it. Unicode (test on "Bézier curve") and comma ending strings looks like work with lupdate 6.4.0. We don't need build it. We can install it from QT online installer ping @yorikvanhavre

Kuzma30 commented 2 years ago

Some code cleanup (not tested in all situations)

I found also many place in code where translate() function is defined. For example here Is my code correct (translate = FreeCAD.Qt.translate) or I must made it like in

chennes commented 2 years ago

We don't need build it. We can install it from QT online installer

Does that version include my trailing comma fix? I think it's scheduled for release in 6.4.

Kuzma30 commented 2 years ago

I use dev branch for build (and dev snapshot on online installer) I think we need change script to make it work with only 6.4 version (another version get incorrect results)

Edit. I also think that we need one update of .ts before release (to get time for translators) and second update on release. But we need decide what to do with _translate().

chennes commented 2 years ago

I think after the 0.20 release I will have time to refactor the script to better support the Qt 6.4 version of lupdate: we can simplify the script quite a bit, removing the generation of the .pro file and just directly doing a search for *.cpp, *.h, *.ui, and *.py files, all at once (and .java and .js if needed as well).

What was the _translate() supposed to do?

Kuzma30 commented 2 years ago @chennes look here. Messages with _translate() in *.py not recognized by lupdate.

chennes commented 2 years ago

Right, I wouldn't expect them to be: what was the point of the underscore in the first place?

Kuzma30 commented 2 years ago

This is not my code(with _translate()) :) I propose refactor this code to translate()

Kuzma30 commented 2 years ago

@yorikvanhavre I want save you some time I prepare changes (disable _translate patch) and run with latest version of lupdate (6.4.0). Can you look this and merge ?

yorikvanhavre commented 2 years ago

There are many commits in that branch... Not sure what I must do? In any case, indeed replacing all _translate with translate seem absolutely necessary and urgent. Doing that today.

Kuzma30 commented 2 years ago

@yorikvanhavre One commit is replacing _translate with translate this is master commit for .ts. You can merge it without need of updating your lupdate. As variant you can make it himself, but you need install lupdate 6.4.0 (dev) version and edit script. this commit fixes founded typo

yorikvanhavre commented 2 years ago

I'd like to merge the first one, but I don't think we should remove all the commented out commands in JoinFeatures, usually when someone comments out blocks of code like this is because they think it can/should still be used. It's always best to follow a "one commit, one feature" policy

Kuzma30 commented 2 years ago

@yorikvanhavre with commented part of code lupdate (6.4.0) stops. I describe this in prev comments.

yorikvanhavre commented 2 years ago

Wow, that's weird... But we should find out which part I think, probably better than deleting the whole block. I'll look at it too when possible

Kuzma30 commented 2 years ago

@yorikvanhavre I can made commit that return commented code. But I think it is not principal now. Can you merge .ts update to make some translators happy, and give some time to translate new strings before final release crowdin update?

yorikvanhavre commented 2 years ago

Done: FreeCAD/FreeCAD@b903e949ae Updating crowdin now. I'll try lupdate 6.4...

chennes commented 2 years ago

If we can figure out what the problem is with lupdate I can make a patch upstream, the process was fairly painless. I will be back at a computer Thursday or Friday.

Kuzma30 commented 2 years ago

I am trying delete commented blocks by small parts. Lupdate stops all time. When I delete all commented blocks it start working

Kuzma30 commented 2 years ago

@yorikvanhavre I prepare commit Here I change _translate to translate. File with problem for lupdate I stay as is. Are you try lupdate 6.4.0?

yorikvanhavre commented 2 years ago

Getting pylupdate 6.4.0 now...

Kuzma30 commented 2 years ago

There is no pylupdate-6.4.0 only lupdate for all format.

Kuzma30 commented 2 years ago

@yorikvanhavre There are many new commits related to translation. Most of them require update .ts files. Do you install lupdate 6.4.0? Can you make commit with updated .ts?

yorikvanhavre commented 2 years ago

I cannot make lupdate 6.4 compile... Can you make a PR in the meantime?

Kuzma30 commented 2 years ago

@yorikvanhavre No need compile itself. You can use online installer from QT and select Qt Design Studio 3.4.0-snapshot and Qt 6.4.0 Snapshot from "dev"

yorikvanhavre commented 2 years ago

Ok trying again now

Kuzma30 commented 2 years ago I made PR, @yorikvanhavre

Kuzma30 commented 2 years ago

@yorikvanhavre Any progress with installing lupdate 6.4.0?

yorikvanhavre commented 2 years ago

Yes, i succeeded, and by running it i get the exact same output as your last PR, so I guess we're all set!

Kuzma30 commented 2 years ago


Kuzma30 commented 2 years ago

As we have working solution, I close issues.