FreeCAD / FreeCAD-translations

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FreeCAD main repo pre-commit function auto-prunes new lines in translation files #292

Closed luzpaz closed 3 months ago

luzpaz commented 7 months ago


kaktusus commented 7 months ago

I prepared a small survey so that we would be aware of the extent of the problem. After the following you will see information about all strings that end with a blank space.

  1. Gui/Language/FreeCAD.ts: 6
468: 28:         <source>Expression: </source>
1266: 42:         <source>Multi-key sequence delay: </source>
2820: 34:         <source>Relative size :   </source>
4355: 57:         <source>Python profiler interval (milliseconds): </source>
7749: 20:         <source>5 m </source>
8230: 26:         <source>Notifier: </source>
  1. Mod/AddonManager/Resources/translations/AddonManager.ts: 3
1424: 53:         <source>WARNING: This addon requires FreeCAD </source>
1730:174:         <source>Failed to execute pip, which may be missing from your Python installation. Please ensure your system has pip installed and try again. The failed command was: </source>
2241: 60:         <source>Error while trying to remove macro file {}: </source>
  1. Mod/Draft/Resources/translations/Draft.ts: 10

    1736: 59: One unit in the SVG file will translate as one millimeter. </source>
    1783: 42: This value is the maximum segment length. </source>
    1963: 42: Otherwise default colors will be applied. </source>
    2005: 65: turning the display faster, but making them less easily editable </source>
    3280: 51:         <source>Visibility off; removed from list: </source>
    3346: 89:         <source>Objects have different placements. Distance between the two base points: </source>
    3376: 52:         <source>This function will be deprecated in </source>
    3382: 27:         <source>Please use </source>
    3387: 50:         <source>This function will be deprecated. </source>
    4895: 70:         <source>Wrong input: label_type must be one of the following: </source>
  2. Mod/Fem/Gui/Resources/translations/Fem.ts: 16

    743: 57:         <source>Select the vertices, lines and surfaces: </source>
    964: 53:         <source>Beam, shell element 3D output format </source>
    2562: 44:         <source>Density                     </source>
    2701: 26:         <source>Pipe Area </source>
    2888: 31:         <source>Tolerance:     </source>
    3121: 31:         <source>Capacity Body: </source>
    3143: 25:         <source>Width:   </source>
    3148: 28:         <source>Height:     </source>
    3154: 28:         <source>Diameter:   </source>
    3169: 31:         <source>Thickness:     </source>
    3184: 30:         <source>Rotation:     </source>
    4291: 25:         <source>Boundary </source>
    4336: 26:         <source>Direction </source>
    4362: 29:         <source>Intensity    </source>
    4377: 22:         <source> Type </source>
    5038: 28:         <source>Node count: </source>
  3. Mod/Material/Resources/translations/Material.ts: 2

    116: 24:         <source>Default </source>
    145: 24:         <source>Default </source>
  4. Mod/Part/Gui/Resources/translations/Part.ts: 1

    6044: 26:         <source>Selection </source>
  5. Mod/Path/Gui/Resources/translations/Path.ts: 18

    1602: 73:         <source> The tool and its settings to be used for this operation </source>
    1607: 72:         <source> Choose what point to use on the first selected feature </source>
    1657: 73:         <source> Choose what point to use on the second selected feature </source>
    1662: 43:         <source> No Base Geometry selected </source>
    1667: 90:         <source> Currently using custom point inputs in the Property View of the Data tab </source>
    1672: 79:         <source> Positive extends the beginning of the path, negative shortens </source>
    1677: 73:         <source> Positive extends the end of the path, negative shortens </source>
    1682:101:         <source> Complete the operation in a single pass at depth, or multiple passes to final depth </source>
    1687: 84:         <source> Choose the path orientation with regard to the feature(s) selected </source>
    1692: 70:         <source> Enable to reverse the cut direction of the slot path </source>
    2200: 20:         <source>D = </source>
    2215: 20:         <source>S = </source>
    2286: 31:         <source>Initial # Tags </source>
    2409: 42:         <source>Post Processors Selection </source>
    2558:129: Should multiple tools or tool shapes with the same name exist in different directories it can be required to use absolute paths. </source>
    3064: 34:         <source>Incision          </source>
    3154: 33:         <source>Angle            </source>
    4070: 28:         <source>Active Tool </source>
  6. Mod/Sketcher/Gui/Resources/translations/Sketcher.ts: 3

    4856: 58:         <source>Impossible to update visibility tracking: </source>
    5291: 34:         <source>Over-constrained: </source>
    5296: 39:         <source>Malformed constraints: </source>
  7. Mod/Spreadsheet/Gui/Resources/translations/Spreadsheet.ts: 3

    923: 37:         <source>Delimiter Character: </source>
    938: 33:         <source>Quote Character: </source>
    948: 34:         <source>Escape Character: </source>
  8. Mod/TechDraw/Gui/Resources/translations/TechDraw.ts: 3

    3429: 31:         <source>Document Name: </source>
    7333: 27:         <source>Geometry2: </source>
    9046: 62:         <source>Start angle (conventional) of arc in degrees. </source>

The numbers at the beginning are the line and column number in the source file.