I am trying to run the algorithms for 3D Magnetostatics to hopefully implement a similar algorithm for my own magnetostatics simulation. Though, I am having issues with the loading of the mesh step:
mesh3 Th = gmshload3("Magnetostatic3D.msh");
I have the proper paths set up so it can find the GMSH script for the 3D mesh. But running produces the following error:
Return type false, your mesh is MeshS type, use gmshloadS function
current line = 17
Assertion fail : (0)
line :1037, in file gmsh.cpp
Assertion fail : (0)
line :1037, in file gmsh.cpp
err code 6 , mpirank 0
I have tried changing gmshload3 to gmshloadS as the error seems to suggest, however that just results in a compile error on that given line. Am I missing something?
I am trying to run the algorithms for 3D Magnetostatics to hopefully implement a similar algorithm for my own magnetostatics simulation. Though, I am having issues with the loading of the mesh step:
mesh3 Th = gmshload3("Magnetostatic3D.msh");
I have the proper paths set up so it can find the GMSH script for the 3D mesh. But running produces the following error:
Return type false, your mesh is MeshS type, use gmshloadS function current line = 17 Assertion fail : (0) line :1037, in file gmsh.cpp Assertion fail : (0) line :1037, in file gmsh.cpp err code 6 , mpirank 0
I have tried changing gmshload3 to gmshloadS as the error seems to suggest, however that just results in a compile error on that given line. Am I missing something?