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Some strings not internationalized #115

Open LAfricain opened 6 years ago

LAfricain commented 6 years ago

Your agendas is not internationalized, the string is here: plugins/agendaplugin/usercalendarviewer.ui:27: <string notr="true">Your agendas</string> Street, city, State, Country:

libs/translationutils/trans_patient.h:57:const char* const STREET            = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("tkConstants", "Street");
plugins/zipcodesplugin/zipcodeswidget.cpp:321:    d->_streetLabel->setText(tr("Street"));

Some Cancel, finish, back are not translated:

libs/utils/global.cpp:1096:        buttons << mb.addButton(QApplication::translate("Utils", "Cancel"), QMessageBox::RejectRole);
libs/translationutils/trans_msgerror.h:36:const char* const CANCEL                             = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("tkConstants", "Cancel");

Button: &Yes &No

I can report here other places I'll discover if you want. Almost all button are in English, Still in the options, Help, restore Default...

LAfricain commented 6 years ago

Hello, I would like to know if header files may be localized? Because if I search for some string not localized sometimes I found it in header files. Can I do the job?

jeromecc commented 6 years ago

Hi! The code seems to be internationalized. d->_streetLabel->setText(tr("Street")); The string "Street" is inside a tr() function. It means it's translatable. It's probably not translated. Did you check the file freehealth/global_resources/translations/plugin_zipcodes_de.ts ?

<translation type="unfinished"></translation>

First translate all the strings in the ts file, then if some things are still not translated, add a comment on this issue. If translating strings fix the problem, then please close the issue.

Do you plan to use the agenda? It's development has stopped a long time ago. I think there are many open source alternatives out there and it would make more sense to build an interface between FreeHealth and an open source appointment diaries or calendar.

Have a look at, or or even a basic calendar app like or Nextcloud.

If you really want to update and improve the agenda plugin, I will accept pull requests with pleasure but I don't think I will contribute.

If you want to build an interface between FreeHealth and an appointment or calendar app, I might join the effort. :)

LAfricain commented 6 years ago

Did you check the file freehealth/global_resources/translations/plugin_zipcodes_de.ts ?

Why de? I'm French :) In the plugin_zipcodes_fr.ts it is translated line 17, but my problem is some window buttons are displayed in English, I don't know exactly why, as: Yes, No, Finish...

First translate all the strings in the ts file

Yes of course I had a look on the ts file first. All I reported here is what I can't find a solution.

Do you plan to use the agenda?

No it was an example of what need still to be translated. But I'm sure a day I'll need an agenda.

If you want to build an interface between FreeHealth and an appointment or calendar app, I might join the effort. :)

My concern now is only to help to complete the internationalization of the software.

LAfricain commented 6 years ago

I have an example, with plugins/identityplugin/passworddialog.ui, lines 105-110 I don't know how to internationalized it?


LAfricain commented 5 years ago

For the OK, No, Cancel (etc) button, this post should help?