FreeJoy-Team / FreeJoy

STM32F103 USB HID game device controller with flexible configuration
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[future request] s-bus output support #204

Open kozinalexey opened 1 year ago

kozinalexey commented 1 year ago

Radio controlled models type output. using this output joystik may to be used as rc transmitter for rc models and UAV some long range radio transmittion systems have S-bus or PPM-sum input as example SIYI FM30

virtual812 commented 1 year ago

I'd be open to just about anything, but honestly i think this might be beyond the scope of the project.

I'm not speaking for the devs, but my feel is that this is all about making a DIY HID Joystick device. The HID part is fairly central i think, and does not align with your use case.

I do a little UAV stuff myself and can see where you're coming from but who knows?

kozinalexey commented 1 year ago

I was asked to make stick controls for a mobile UAV control center. The freejoy works great as a joystick with Mission Planner. I used it to control UAV over the telemetry channel. Later, for duplication of control, a second channel was needed, so I connect a second controller with the SBUS program code to same sensors. Of course, in the current situation, UAV is associated with war. This is a big problem

virtual812 commented 1 year ago

I think it's a great idea, it's just that a large portion of Freejoy is the code that makes it work with a computer. Stripping that out and replacing it with an SBUS output means it essentially wouldnt be freejoy anymore.

I think the portion you'd want would be the part that takes and manages input, and a GUI config, and then have the HID/USB part replaced with SBUS output.

I'm not much of a coder, but if you're a little smarter than me these links might help... Looks like the target is the STM32L4 and Teensy devices.

I have an old Pixhawk that I've never used, you're tempting me to finish the repairs on my quad that i started 5 years ago and drop the new autopilot on it!

relaxibus commented 11 months ago

I have a similar feature request, although using the available UART port, so it could be used either via USB or via UART: