FreeMoneyHyb / WebhookSpammer

A Webhook Spammer Tool (Not Done)
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Code is messy #1

Open 24McNuggets opened 2 years ago

24McNuggets commented 2 years ago

To make performance easier, you might want to try and create less variables, add comments, and maybe - just maybe - make it a .exe - Also - you do not have any "This webhook does not exist" fallback, and without that, that can cause great havoc on lower end computers - also - with the exit code 429 - instead of 3s, try 30 - works better for me - When a exit code 404 (not found) is sent back from Discord, return back to the start. Make functions, not ground level code. Have a main function, and a whole other file so it makes it easier to develop for, as if something shits itself, you know where - Thanks for reading, and I hope this advice is taken into account. Bonus points if you know who I am <3 :)

24McNuggets commented 2 years ago

Also - Maximum characters is 2000, not 200

CountBleck commented 2 years ago

Comments don't increase performance. He does appear to have a naming problem though.

Simply making a .exe file won't help with anything, as that most likely entails embedding the Python runtime and the code into the executable.

If you want to increase performance, use a more performant language, but that is more tedious. Using PyPy can increase performance, but the real, inevitable bottleneck is in the API requests to send messages.

A 30 second delay on a 429 is not a solution. That just makes the spammer stupidly slow. One of the features of libraries wrapping the Discord API (, Discord.js, etc.) is that they respect Discord's ratelimits (using information exposed in the response headers). Once you exceed ten thousand 429s in 10 minutes, you become unable to use Discord and its APIs using that IP address for somewhere around 30 minutes or a few hours.

You are correct in that the author should use functions, modules, and maybe a main function, but you can't expect much quality from skid software. If it's not good enough, write your own, and share it for others to use. 😉

24McNuggets commented 2 years ago

I did! I think its on my GitHub, NOAHBENJ! - Sean Dishman (510 Clover Leaf Lane, McKinney, Texas is his address) does not like me very much, hence why I try and correct him in any and every way possible! - That's FreeMoneyHyb/Hub