FreeOpcUa / freeopcua

Open Source C++ OPC-UA Server and Client Library
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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GetChild freeopcua method : requested operation has no match to return. (0x806f0000) #384

Open FaidiSaif opened 3 years ago

FaidiSaif commented 3 years ago

Hello Gents,

I'm trying to use freeopcua c++ GetChild method to get standard dynamic variable node from the root node of freeopcua-modeler using the following code :

      std::vector<std::string> varpath{ "Objects", "Server", "ServerStatus", "CurrentTime" };
      myvar = root.GetChild(varpath); // problem here.

but the i got the requested operation has no match to return. (0x806f0000) error


have you any idea how to fix this ?

below the opcua-modeler server interface :


Note: using the freeopcua server_example.cpp as OPC UA server works fine with my client ! but it does not work with this python opcua-modeler interface !

this is my complete freeopcua client code (based on freeopcua example_client.cpp): `

include <opc/ua/client/client.h>

include <opc/ua/node.h>

include <opc/ua/subscription.h>

include <opc/common/logger.h>




using namespace OpcUa;

class SubClient : public SubscriptionHandler { void DataChange(uint32_t handle, const Node & node, const Variant & val, AttributeId attr) override { std::cout << "Received DataChange event, value of Node " << node << " is now: " << val.ToString() << std::endl; } };

int main(int argc, char ** argv) { auto logger = spdlog::stderr_color_mt("client"); try { //std::string endpoint = "opc.tcp://"; std::string endpoint = "opc.tcp://";

  logger->info("Connecting to: {}", endpoint);

  OpcUa::UaClient client(logger);

  //get Root node on server
  OpcUa::Node root = client.GetRootNode();
  logger->info("Root node is: {}", root);

  //get and browse Objects node
  logger->info("Child of objects node are:");
  Node objects = client.GetObjectsNode();

  for (OpcUa::Node node : objects.GetChildren())
    { logger->info("    {}", node); }

  //get a node from standard namespace using objectId
  logger->info("NamespaceArray is:");
  OpcUa::Node nsnode = client.GetNode(ObjectId::Server_NamespaceArray);
  OpcUa::Variant ns = nsnode.GetValue();

  for (std::string d : ns.As<std::vector<std::string>>())
    { logger->info(" namespace =    {}", d); }

  OpcUa::Node myvar;

  //uint32_t idx = client.GetNamespaceIndex("");

  std::vector<std::string> varpath{ "Objects", "Server", "ServerStatus", "CurrentTime" };

  myvar = root.GetChild(varpath);

  logger->info("got node: {}", myvar);

  SubClient sclt;
  Subscription::SharedPtr sub = client.CreateSubscription(100, sclt);
  uint32_t handle = sub->SubscribeDataChange(myvar);
  logger->info("Got sub handle: {}, sleeping 5 seconds", handle);
  return 0;

catch (const std::exception & exc) { logger->error("Error: {}", exc.what()); } catch (...) { logger->error("Unknown error."); } return -1; }


SangKee commented 1 month ago

I'm having the same problem. Anybody solve this issue?

guojing555 commented 1 month ago
