FreeOpcUa / python-opcua

LGPL Pure Python OPC-UA Client and Server
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Can not connect to Softing OPC UA server with username and password, BadIdentityTokenInvalid #455

Open kbischop opened 7 years ago

kbischop commented 7 years ago

I´m using the Softing OPC UA server SDK in my application (Softing SDK) and try to connect with freeopcua /python-opcua 0.90.3 to this Softing OPC OPC UA server. I´m using windows 7 64 bit and python 3.5.2

I can only connect with anonymous to the OPC UA server. Whenever I try to use a username , password combination I get the error BadIdentityTokenInvalid.

I checked with other OPC UA clients -> node.js with node-opcua package, UaExpert and Softings own OPC UA client. All these clients work without problems with the anonymous account but also with the user account with username and password.

Are there known problems with the Softing OPC UA Server ?

Here is the log:

INFO:opcua.client.ua_client.Socket:opening connection INFO:opcua.client.ua_client.Socket:Thread started DEBUG:opcua.uaprotocol:Waiting for header INFO:opcua.uaprotocol:received header: Header(type:b'ACK', chunk_type:b'F', body _size:20, channel:0) DEBUG:opcua.uaprotocol:Waiting for header INFO:opcua.client.ua_client.Socket:open_secure_channel DEBUG:opcua.client.uaclient.Socket:Sending: OpenSecureChannelRequest(TypeId:Fou rByteNodeId(i=446), RequestHeader:RequestHeader(AuthenticationToken:TwoByteNodeI d(i=0), Timestamp:2017-06-01 09:50:26.035799, RequestHandle:1, ReturnDiagnostics :0, AuditEntryId:None, TimeoutHint:1000, AdditionalHeader:None), Parameters:Open SecureChannelParameters(ClientProtocolVersion:0, RequestType:SecurityTokenReques tType.Issue, SecurityMode:MessageSecurityMode.None, ClientNonce:b'', RequestedL ifetime:3600000)) INFO:opcua.uaprotocol:received header: Header(type:b'OPN', chunk_type:b'F', body _size:123, channel:10) DEBUG:opcua.uaprotocol:Waiting for header INFO:opcua.client.ua_client:create_session DEBUG:opcua.client.ua_client.Socket:Sending: CreateSessionRequest(TypeId:FourByt eNodeId(i=461), RequestHeader:RequestHeader(AuthenticationToken:TwoByteNodeId(i= 0), Timestamp:2017-06-01 09:50:26.041800, RequestHandle:2, ReturnDiagnostics:0, AuditEntryId:None, TimeoutHint:1000, AdditionalHeader:None), Parameters:CreateSe ssionParameters(ClientDescription:ApplicationDescription(ApplicationUri:urn:free opcua:client,, ApplicationName:Localiz edText(Encoding:2, Locale:None, Text:b'Pure Python Client'), ApplicationType:App licationType.Client, GatewayServerUri:None, DiscoveryProfileUri:None, DiscoveryU rls:[]), ServerUri:None, EndpointUrl:opc.tcp://localhost:4880, SessionName:Pure Python Client Session1, ClientNonce:b"\xcd\x82\x0c6\x08Q\rC'\x10\x8ev/\xee\xb5b\ xc8B\x88\xe7\x1dCMd\xed\xf5d\xe5\xcd\x19\x9c\xf8", ClientCertificate:None, Reque stedSessionTimeout:3600000, MaxResponseMessageSize:0)) INFO:opcua.uaprotocol:received header: Header(type:b'MSG', chunk_type:b'F', body _size:573, channel:10) DEBUG:opcua.uaprotocol:Waiting for header DEBUG:opcua.client.ua_client:CreateSessionResponse(TypeId:FourByteNodeId(i=464), ResponseHeader:ResponseHeader(Timestamp:2017-06-01 09:50:26.049801, RequestHand le:2, ServiceResult:StatusCode(Good), ServiceDiagnostics:DiagnosticInfo(Encoding :0, SymbolicId:0, NamespaceURI:0, Locale:0, LocalizedText:0, AdditionalInfo:None , InnerStatusCode:StatusCode(Good), InnerDiagnosticInfo:None), StringTable:None, AdditionalHeader:None), Parameters:CreateSessionResult(SessionId:NumericNodeId( ns=3;i=3674407209), AuthenticationToken:ByteStringNodeId(b=b")\x01\x03\xdb\x1b\x 9d'\x8b\x04\xef\x05\x89>6p\xbf\x85Lo\xca\xb5!\x10uE\n\x8b\xb0\xec\x8e\x10\x8a"), RevisedSessionTimeout:600000.0, ServerNonce:b'\x0f\xe9\r\x81\xd4\x1e\x15\xe36\x 98;XZ\x8c\xa1\x8d\xf2\xbd]~0\x8d\xdcX\xa7\xaf\xf0j\xcbx\x82b', ServerCertificate :None, ServerEndpoints:[EndpointDescription(EndpointUrl:opc.tcp://localhost:4880 /, Server:ApplicationDescription(ApplicationUri:urn:TC028L/Softing/OpcUa/TestSer ver, ProductUri:urn:Softing/Products/OpcUa/SampleServer1, ApplicationName:Locali zedText(Encoding:3, Locale:b'en', Text:b'Softing OpcUa Sample Server1'), Applic ationType:ApplicationType.ClientAndServer, GatewayServerUri:None, DiscoveryProfi leUri:None, DiscoveryUrls:[]), ServerCertificate:None, SecurityMode:MessageSecur ityMode.None, SecurityPolicyUri: , UserIdentityTokens:[UserTokenPolicy(PolicyId:Anonymous_Policy, TokenType:UserT okenType.Anonymous, IssuedTokenType:None, IssuerEndpointUrl:None, SecurityPolicy Uri:None), UserTokenPolicy(PolicyId:Username_Policy, TokenType:UserTokenType.Use rName, IssuedTokenType:None, IssuerEndpointUrl:None, SecurityPolicyUri:http://op], TransportProfileUri:http://opcfoundati, SecurityLevel:11)], ServerSoftw areCertificates:[], ServerSignature:SignatureData(Algorithm:None, Signature:b'') , MaxRequestMessageSize:0)) DEBUG:opcua.client.client:starting keepalive thread with period of 420000.0 mill iseconds WARNING:opcua.client.client:Sending plain-text password INFO:opcua.client.ua_client:activate_session DEBUG:opcua.client.ua_client.Socket:Sending: ActivateSessionRequest(TypeId:FourB yteNodeId(i=467), RequestHeader:RequestHeader(AuthenticationToken:ByteStringNode Id(b=b")\x01\x03\xdb\x1b\x9d'\x8b\x04\xef\x05\x89>6p\xbf\x85Lo\xca\xb5!\x10uE\n\ x8b\xb0\xec\x8e\x10\x8a"), Timestamp:2017-06-01 09:50:26.061802, RequestHandle:3 , ReturnDiagnostics:0, AuditEntryId:None, TimeoutHint:1000, AdditionalHeader:Non e), Parameters:ActivateSessionParameters(ClientSignature:SignatureData(Algorithm :b'', Signature:b''), ClientSoftwareCe rtificates:[], LocaleIds:['en'], UserIdentityToken:UserNameIdentityToken(PolicyI d:Username_Policy, UserName:xxxxxxx, Password:xxxxxxxx derWelt4711, EncryptionAlgorithm:), UserTokenSignature:SignatureData(Algorithm:N one, Signature:None))) INFO:opcua.uaprotocol:received header: Header(type:b'MSG', chunk_type:b'F', body _size:40, channel:10) DEBUG:opcua.uaprotocol:Waiting for header WARNING:opcua.client.ua_client.Socket:ServiceFault from server received in resp onse to ActivateSessionRequest Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 81, in test.connect() File "", line 27, in connect self.client.connect() File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Python35-32\lib\site-packages\opcua\client\client .py", line 247, in connect self.activate_session(username=self._username, password=self._password, cert ificate=self.user_certificate) File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Python35-32\lib\site-packages\opcua\client\client .py", line 419, in activate_session return self.uaclient.activate_session(params) File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Python35-32\lib\site-packages\opcua\client\ua_cli", line 248, in activate_session data = self._uasocket.send_request(request) File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Python35-32\lib\site-packages\opcua\client\ua_cli", line 77, in send_request self.check_answer(data, " in response to " + File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Python35-32\lib\site-packages\opcua\client\ua_cli", line 86, in check_answer hdr.ServiceResult.check() File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Python35-32\lib\site-packages\opcua\ua\ ", line 207, in check raise UaStatusCodeError(self.value) The user identity token is not


destogl commented 7 years ago

Can you check with wireshark and try to find differences in Token sending?

kbischop commented 7 years ago

I hope I got the necessary data. What do I have to look for ?

`` No. Time Source Destination Protocol Length Info 31 10.265088 TCP 66 50169 → 4880 [SYN] Seq=0 Win=8192 Len=0 MSS=1460 WS=256 SACK_PERM=1

Frame 31: 66 bytes on wire (528 bits), 66 bytes captured (528 bits) on interface 0 Ethernet II, Src: WistronI_98:e2:37 (3c:97:0e:98:e2:37), Dst: Siemens_a3:6d:55 (00:1b:1b:a3:6d:55) Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst: Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 50169, Dst Port: 4880, Seq: 0, Len: 0

No. Time Source Destination Protocol Length Info 32 10.265825 TCP 66 4880 → 50169 [SYN, ACK] Seq=0 Ack=1 Win=65535 Len=0 MSS=1460 WS=2 SACK_PERM=1

Frame 32: 66 bytes on wire (528 bits), 66 bytes captured (528 bits) on interface 0 Ethernet II, Src: Siemens_a3:6d:55 (00:1b:1b:a3:6d:55), Dst: WistronI_98:e2:37 (3c:97:0e:98:e2:37) Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst: Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 4880, Dst Port: 50169, Seq: 0, Ack: 1, Len: 0

No. Time Source Destination Protocol Length Info 33 10.266349 TCP 54 50169 → 4880 [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=65536 Len=0

Frame 33: 54 bytes on wire (432 bits), 54 bytes captured (432 bits) on interface 0 Ethernet II, Src: WistronI_98:e2:37 (3c:97:0e:98:e2:37), Dst: Siemens_a3:6d:55 (00:1b:1b:a3:6d:55) Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst: Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 50169, Dst Port: 4880, Seq: 1, Ack: 1, Len: 0

No. Time Source Destination Protocol Length Info 34 10.269335 OpcUa 116 Hello message

Frame 34: 116 bytes on wire (928 bits), 116 bytes captured (928 bits) on interface 0 Ethernet II, Src: WistronI_98:e2:37 (3c:97:0e:98:e2:37), Dst: Siemens_a3:6d:55 (00:1b:1b:a3:6d:55) Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst: Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 50169, Dst Port: 4880, Seq: 1, Ack: 1, Len: 62 OpcUa Binary Protocol Message Type: HEL Chunk Type: F Message Size: 62 Version: 0 ReceiveBufferSize: 65536 SendBufferSize: 65536 MaxMessageSize: 0 MaxChunkCount: 0 EndPointUrl: opc.tcp://

No. Time Source Destination Protocol Length Info 35 10.269808 OpcUa 82 Acknowledge message

Frame 35: 82 bytes on wire (656 bits), 82 bytes captured (656 bits) on interface 0 Ethernet II, Src: Siemens_a3:6d:55 (00:1b:1b:a3:6d:55), Dst: WistronI_98:e2:37 (3c:97:0e:98:e2:37) Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst: Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 4880, Dst Port: 50169, Seq: 1, Ack: 63, Len: 28 OpcUa Binary Protocol Message Type: ACK Chunk Type: F Message Size: 28 Version: 0 ReceiveBufferSize: 65536 SendBufferSize: 65536 MaxMessageSize: 16777216 MaxChunkCount: 0

No. Time Source Destination Protocol Length Info 36 10.275734 OpcUa 186 OpenSecureChannel message: OpenSecureChannelRequest

Frame 36: 186 bytes on wire (1488 bits), 186 bytes captured (1488 bits) on interface 0 Ethernet II, Src: WistronI_98:e2:37 (3c:97:0e:98:e2:37), Dst: Siemens_a3:6d:55 (00:1b:1b:a3:6d:55) Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst: Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 50169, Dst Port: 4880, Seq: 63, Ack: 29, Len: 132 OpcUa Binary Protocol Message Type: OPN Chunk Type: F Message Size: 132 SecureChannelId: 0 SecurityPolicyUri: SenderCertificate: [OpcUa Null ByteString] ReceiverCertificateThumbprint: [OpcUa Null ByteString] SequenceNumber: 1 RequestId: 1 Message : Encodeable Object TypeId : ExpandedNodeId NodeId EncodingMask: Four byte encoded Numeric (0x01) NodeId Namespace Index: 0 NodeId Identifier Numeric: OpenSecureChannelRequest (446) OpenSecureChannelRequest

No. Time Source Destination Protocol Length Info 37 10.276240 OpcUa 189 OpenSecureChannel message: OpenSecureChannelResponse

Frame 37: 189 bytes on wire (1512 bits), 189 bytes captured (1512 bits) on interface 0 Ethernet II, Src: Siemens_a3:6d:55 (00:1b:1b:a3:6d:55), Dst: WistronI_98:e2:37 (3c:97:0e:98:e2:37) Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst: Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 4880, Dst Port: 50169, Seq: 29, Ack: 195, Len: 135 OpcUa Binary Protocol Message Type: OPN Chunk Type: F Message Size: 135 SecureChannelId: 22 SecurityPolicyUri: SenderCertificate: [OpcUa Null ByteString] ReceiverCertificateThumbprint: [OpcUa Null ByteString] SequenceNumber: 1 RequestId: 1 Message : Encodeable Object TypeId : ExpandedNodeId NodeId EncodingMask: Four byte encoded Numeric (0x01) NodeId Namespace Index: 0 NodeId Identifier Numeric: OpenSecureChannelResponse (449) OpenSecureChannelResponse

No. Time Source Destination Protocol Length Info 38 10.282965 OpcUa 329 UA Secure Conversation Message: CreateSessionRequest

Frame 38: 329 bytes on wire (2632 bits), 329 bytes captured (2632 bits) on interface 0 Ethernet II, Src: WistronI_98:e2:37 (3c:97:0e:98:e2:37), Dst: Siemens_a3:6d:55 (00:1b:1b:a3:6d:55) Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst: Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 50169, Dst Port: 4880, Seq: 195, Ack: 164, Len: 275 OpcUa Binary Protocol Message Type: MSG Chunk Type: F Message Size: 275 SecureChannelId: 22 Security Token Id: 1 Security Sequence Number: 2 Security RequestId: 2 OpcUa Service : Encodeable Object TypeId : ExpandedNodeId NodeId EncodingMask: Four byte encoded Numeric (0x01) NodeId Namespace Index: 0 NodeId Identifier Numeric: CreateSessionRequest (461) CreateSessionRequest

No. Time Source Destination Protocol Length Info 39 10.283734 OpcUa 614 UA Secure Conversation Message: CreateSessionResponse

Frame 39: 614 bytes on wire (4912 bits), 614 bytes captured (4912 bits) on interface 0 Ethernet II, Src: Siemens_a3:6d:55 (00:1b:1b:a3:6d:55), Dst: WistronI_98:e2:37 (3c:97:0e:98:e2:37) Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst: Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 4880, Dst Port: 50169, Seq: 164, Ack: 470, Len: 560 OpcUa Binary Protocol Message Type: MSG Chunk Type: F Message Size: 560 SecureChannelId: 22 Security Token Id: 1 Security Sequence Number: 2 Security RequestId: 2 OpcUa Service : Encodeable Object TypeId : ExpandedNodeId NodeId EncodingMask: Four byte encoded Numeric (0x01) NodeId Namespace Index: 0 NodeId Identifier Numeric: CreateSessionResponse (464) CreateSessionResponse

No. Time Source Destination Protocol Length Info 40 10.297886 OpcUa 312 UA Secure Conversation Message: ActivateSessionRequest

Frame 40: 312 bytes on wire (2496 bits), 312 bytes captured (2496 bits) on interface 0 Ethernet II, Src: WistronI_98:e2:37 (3c:97:0e:98:e2:37), Dst: Siemens_a3:6d:55 (00:1b:1b:a3:6d:55) Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst: Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 50169, Dst Port: 4880, Seq: 470, Ack: 724, Len: 258 OpcUa Binary Protocol Message Type: MSG Chunk Type: F Message Size: 258 SecureChannelId: 22 Security Token Id: 1 Security Sequence Number: 3 Security RequestId: 3 OpcUa Service : Encodeable Object TypeId : ExpandedNodeId NodeId EncodingMask: Four byte encoded Numeric (0x01) NodeId Namespace Index: 0 NodeId Identifier Numeric: ActivateSessionRequest (467) ActivateSessionRequest RequestHeader: RequestHeader AuthenticationToken: NodeId Timestamp: Jun 1, 2017 14:05:13.639300000 Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit RequestHandle: 3 Return Diagnostics: 0x00000000 AuditEntryId: [OpcUa Null String] TimeoutHint: 1000 AdditionalHeader: ExtensionObject TypeId: ExpandedNodeId EncodingMask: 0x00 ClientSignature: SignatureData Algorithm: Signature: [OpcUa Empty ByteString] ClientSoftwareCertificates: Array of SignedSoftwareCertificate LocaleIds: Array of String ArraySize: 1 [0]: LocaleIds: en UserIdentityToken: ExtensionObject TypeId: ExpandedNodeId EncodingMask: 0x01, has binary body UserNameIdentityToken: UserNameIdentityToken UserTokenSignature: SignatureData Algorithm: [OpcUa Null String] Signature: [OpcUa Null ByteString]

No. Time Source Destination Protocol Length Info 41 10.298409 OpcUa 106 UA Secure Conversation Message: ServiceFault

Frame 41: 106 bytes on wire (848 bits), 106 bytes captured (848 bits) on interface 0 Ethernet II, Src: Siemens_a3:6d:55 (00:1b:1b:a3:6d:55), Dst: WistronI_98:e2:37 (3c:97:0e:98:e2:37) Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst: Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 4880, Dst Port: 50169, Seq: 724, Ack: 728, Len: 52 OpcUa Binary Protocol Message Type: MSG Chunk Type: F Message Size: 52 SecureChannelId: 22 Security Token Id: 1 Security Sequence Number: 3 Security RequestId: 3 OpcUa Service : Encodeable Object TypeId : ExpandedNodeId NodeId EncodingMask: Four byte encoded Numeric (0x01) NodeId Namespace Index: 0 NodeId Identifier Numeric: ServiceFault (397) ServiceFault ResponseHeader: ResponseHeader Timestamp: Jun 1, 2017 15:26:47.923389100 Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit RequestHandle: 3 ServiceResult: 0x80200000 [BadIdentityTokenInvalid] ServiceDiagnostics: DiagnosticInfo EncodingMask: 0x00 StringTable: Array of String ArraySize: -1 AdditionalHeader: ExtensionObject TypeId: ExpandedNodeId EncodingMask: 0x00

No. Time Source Destination Protocol Length Info 42 10.504316 TCP 54 50169 → 4880 [ACK] Seq=728 Ack=776 Win=64768 `Len=0 ``

zerox1212 commented 7 years ago

The last person that had this issue said that the cause was a corporate laptop with some security stuff blocking opc ua.

kbischop commented 7 years ago

Well this was my first thought that some security stuff is blocking ops ua, but as wrote I also checked with node.js and the node-opcua package, the Ua Expert opc ua client Softings opc ua client and a c application which uses the open62541 library. All these clients can connect using username and password. Only my python app with freeopcua cannot connect. I even tested with opcua-client-gui which also uses freeopcua and it can not connect. I tested with the client installed on one computer and the server on the other computer and also both client and server on the same computer, but this makes no difference.

Any further ideas what I can check ?

oroulet commented 7 years ago

Hi, with wireshark take a falling log session with python-opcua and a working one with uaexpert then compare them. If you do not manage to spot the difference in authentication yourself, upload them to this bug report

On Thu, Jun 1, 2017, 17:06 kbischop wrote:

Well this was my first thought that some security stuff is blocking ops ua, but as wrote I also checked with node.js and the node-opcua package, the Ua Expert opc ua client Softings opc ua client and a c application which uses the open62541 library. All these clients can connect using username and password. Only my python app with freeopcua cannot connect. I even tested with opcua-client-gui which also uses freeopcua and it can not connect. I tested with the client installed on one computer and the server on the other computer and also both client and server on the same computer, but this makes no difference.

Any further ideas what I can check ?

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oroulet commented 7 years ago

The difference should be somewhere in the last packet we send before the error

On Thu, Jun 1, 2017, 17:29 Olivier Roulet-Dubonnet wrote:

Hi, with wireshark take a falling log session with python-opcua and a working one with uaexpert then compare them. If you do not manage to spot the difference in authentication yourself, upload them to this bug report

On Thu, Jun 1, 2017, 17:06 kbischop wrote:

Well this was my first thought that some security stuff is blocking ops ua, but as wrote I also checked with node.js and the node-opcua package, the Ua Expert opc ua client Softings opc ua client and a c application which uses the open62541 library. All these clients can connect using username and password. Only my python app with freeopcua cannot connect. I even tested with opcua-client-gui which also uses freeopcua and it can not connect. I tested with the client installed on one computer and the server on the other computer and also both client and server on the same computer, but this makes no difference.

Any further ideas what I can check ?

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mirkocomparetti-synesis commented 3 years ago

An old one, but I'm facing the same issue. Did anyone manage to find a solution?
