FreeOurKnowledge / website

Project Free Our Knowledge aims to organise collective action in support of open and reproducible research practices. This repository is used to design new campaigns (using the issues feature) and to build the website (
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Communique: Github repo now open for business #16

Closed CooperSmout closed 3 years ago

CooperSmout commented 3 years ago
### Purpose of this marketing blitz To inform people that the Github repository is now open for community input and invite contributions. *Once you've contacted the relevant channels below, check them off to keep track of where you're at* ### Internal channels (FOK) Note: each of these channels needs it's own piece of text adapted to the format (can borrow from below) - [x] Mailchimp mailing list -- send out newsletter with project update/s (check with Cooper if any other info to include) - [ ] [Twitter]( -- see bottom of this list for directions - [x] [Github Project]( -- to the right of this issue, click 'Projects' and allocate to 'General Kanban' - [x] [Facebook]( -- check that the newsletter has auto-linked - [x] [Google group]( -- only need to use if there's a private discussion to be had about this marketing blitz ### Discussion forums - [x] [Pubreform]( (original discussion forum) - [x] [On science and academia]( - [ ] [Behsci]( ### Slack workspaces - [x] [OSMOOC]( - [x] [ANZORN]( - [ ] SIPS2019/2020 - [x] [Creative Commons]( - [x] [ASAPbio]( - [x] [OS Community Netherlands]( - [ ] [Open Life Science]( ### Google groups - [ ] [Network of open science grassroots networks]( - [x] [Center for Open Science Ambassadors]( - [ ] [OpenCon]( - [ ] [Open Life Sciences ### Mailing lists - [ ] UCL Transparency mailing list (via Grace Gottlieb) - [ ] [Schol Comm]( - [ ] [Open Science]( - [ ] [GOAL]( - [ ] [FORCE11]( - [ ] [RadicalOA](mailto:RADICALOPENACCESS@JISCMAIL.AC.UK) - [ ] [Open Science Göttingen]( - [ ] [LIS bibliometrics](mailto:LIS-BIBLIOMETRICS@JISCMAIL.AC.UK) - [ ] [PSCI COMM]( - [ ] [OpenAccess at Wikimedia]( - [ ] [Australian_OA_Community]( - [ ] [EMCR Forum Australia]( - [ ] Liste des échos du RISC (ask Claire) - [ ] OpenScience-NL - [ ] OpenScience-DE - [ ] Donders mailing list - [ ] UQ cog neuro ### Facebook groups - [x] [Reviewer 2 must be stopped]( - [x] [Psychological Methods Discussion Group]( - [x] [ACNS ECRs]( - [ ] [March for Science]( ### Twitter - [ ] [LIBER]( - [ ] [EIFL]( - [ ] [SPARC NA]( - [ ] [SPARC EU]( - [ ] [R2RC]( - [ ] [FORCE11]( - [ ] [OpenAire]( - [ ] [OpenUP]( - [ ] [The Carpentries]( - [ ] [Creative Commons]( - [ ] [FOSTER]( - [ ] [Mozilla Open Leaders]( - [ ] [OpenCon]( - [ ] [Open Knowledge International]( - [ ] [Global Open Science Hardware Community]( - [ ] [SIPS]( - [ ] [OSI]( - [ ] [COPE]( - [ ] [TriangleSCI]( - [ ] [SCOAP3]( - [ ] [Open Library of the Humanities]( - [ ] [Open Scholarship Initiative]( - [ ] [Open Knowledge Maps]( - [ ] United Nations University - [ ] @radicaloa @COPIMproject @FORsymp @openscicomm @IGDOREinstitute @UCBITSS @PREreview_ @OpenScienceMOOC @OSFramework (NB: many of these are FOK partners and we should develop more targeted strategy with, e.g. blog/news posts) ### Petition/pledge sites (can we get access these mailing lists?) - [ ] [DORA]( \ - [ ] [Budapest Open Access Initiative]( - [ ] [Fair Open Access supporters]( - [ ] - [ ] - [ ] - [ ] - [ ] - [ ] - [ ] ### Additional people just for this blitz - [x] Michael Milford (said he would forward information to colleague involved with Cost of Knowledge) - [ ] Eric Vanmann - [ ] Susan Harris (PhD Balance) - [ ] Jason Tangen (for RR/prereg campaign) - [x] Abbey Nydam (ask to forward RR/prereg campaigns to people she mentioned)
CooperSmout commented 3 years ago

Note: should also contact partner organisations (see bottom of this page) to develop more targeted strategy