Open Totole opened 10 years ago
We can investigate adding support to superfecta. First we require a french speaker to carefully review the pagesjaunes terms of service and summarize here in english to ensure that superfecta is permitted to use it as a source.
There is also another service for France being investigated in tickt #196
Hi, I just rode there terms here : Its free of use for any user for non commercial use. Nothing more.
Okay. This page is a bit complicated than some. It looks like the techniques described at the bottom of this page will be required to get a lookup.
Some notes:
// Set the referring page. In this case, it is the url of the page containing the form.
$referrer ="";
// Set the url of the page that will be processing the posted data
// Set the data that will be posted
$post_data = array(
None of the above is tested, just pulled from html for the lookup form. May or may not need cookies set, will have to determine with some trial and errror.
Hi Lorne,
I think both sides using the same Database. If this side is too complicate with pagesjaunes, please wait until we have tested the "118712" side. One source for France will be enough.
Please close the topic.
Thanks and BR, Harald
Hi, I found another online phonebook for France. It seems to be much more simple.
I read the terms and there is nothing special. No limitations. Its free of use for any user for non commercial use.
Is it possible to get a Source for it ?
I am pretty sure that the terms of didn't allow this anyway:
I found this:
"En accédant au présent site, vous reconnaissez que les données le composant sont légalement protégées et, conformément aux dispositions de la loi du 1er juillet 1998 précitée, vous vous interdisez notamment d'extraire, réutiliser, stocker, reproduire, représenter ou conserver, directement ou indirectement, sur un support quelconque, par tout moyen et sous toute forme que ce soit, tout ou partie qualitativement ou quantitativement substantielle du site auquel vous accédez ainsi que d'en faire l'extraction ou la réutilisation répétée et systématique de parties qualitativement et quantitativement non substantielles lorsque ces opérations excèdent manifestement les conditions d'utilisation normale."
which translates into something like this
"By accessing the present site you recognize that its content is legally protected and, according to the dispositions of the above-mentioned 1st of July 1998 bill, you are prohibited from extracting, reusing, storing, reproducing, display or keep, directly or indirectly, on any storage media, by any mean and in any form, all or part of the site that you are accessing and to extract its content or reuse repetitively and systematically substantial parts when these operations exceed a normal utilization."
IANAL nor am I a real translator but I would be very leery to extract any data from this site without checking with them first...
As for, it looks like you need to get authorization from them:
I found this:
"7. Les droits de propriété intellectuelle relatifs aux éléments publiés sur le présent site
Tous les éléments constituant le présent site appartiennent à l'éditeur et sont à ce titre protégés par la législation relative à la propriété intellectuelle.
Les internautes reconnaissent donc que, en l'absence d'autorisation, toute copie totale ou partielle et toute diffusion ou exploitation d'un ou plusieurs de ces éléments, même modifiés, seront susceptibles de donner lieu à des poursuites judiciaires menées à votre encontre par l'éditeur ou ses ayants droits.
Cette protection portera sur tous les contenus textuels et graphiques du site, mais également sur sa structure, sur son nom et sa charte graphique."
which translates more or less into this:
"7. The intellectual property rights relative to the content published on this site
The content published on the present site belongs to the editor and are protected by the laws regarding intellectual property.
The users recognize that, in the absence of authorization, any partial or complete copy of this content and distribution or exploitation of it, even modified, might results in legal proceedings against them.
This protection covers every textual content, images of the site and its structure, on its name and on its visual identity."
As I said I am not a lawyer and I only took a quick glance at the terms but it looks like it would be wise to contact them...
I opinion its not allowed to reuse these informations get from both sites for third parties, i.e mailing advertisement, etc. So no problem. I am happy to be not alone asking for phonebook sources for France.
I just looked at and it seems to be reworking without any captcha code anymore. The page seems to be brand new. Maybe be can re-use it as source like before !? It will be great !
Harry has changed, what's working for me for the moment is url:$thenumber reg exp: id="result_1" title="(.+?)" reg exp ops: i
Hi Schiffsratte,
Is it possible to get your files ? I am very interested to use your solution, because I am not good in programming. For sure, I will give you a feedback after testing :-) Bye
No files needed. Just put the lines from the last post, into the "Regular Expressions 1" Module look at this screen-shot
But the bad news is that they seem to put a captcha after some requests. So I don't get a result sometimes. I did not have the time yet, to investigate any further
Hi Jens,
Work perfect. Thanks you.
But with Infobel I get better results. Seems their database is much bigger Would be my first choice if its re-working.
Bye Harry
Hi, since 2 months Infobel is asking for a captcha code, if you request a phonenumber. That's why Infobel source is not working anymore. Is there a way to make a workaround ?
If not, there is another online phonebook for France :
Is it possible to make Source file for IT ?