FreePBX / superfecta

Provides simultaneous use of, and complete control over multiple caller id data sources.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Issue with unicode characters #313

Open diplatis opened 6 years ago

diplatis commented 6 years ago

I've created the following module and the caller id returned contains wrong characters when result is not converted to greeklish ( $run_param['Convert_to_greeklish'] ) (greeklish=greek written in latin characters). Test phone numbers: 2421026513 , 2421351000 , 2421421510

EDIT: The issue also exists with GoogleContacts module, so I suspect there is a wider problem with unicode characters.


class Greece_11888 extends superfecta_base {

public $description, $source_param;
public $version_requirement = "2.11";
public $module_version = "1.10";

public $greek_chars   = array(
    'α','ά','Ά','Α','β','Β','γ', 'Γ', 'δ','Δ','ε','έ','Ε','Έ','ζ','Ζ','η','ή','Η','θ','Θ','ι','ί','ϊ','ΐ','Ι','Ί',
    'Σ','τ','Τ','υ','ύ','Υ','Ύ','φ','Φ','χ','Χ','ψ','Ψ','ω','ώ','Ω','Ώ',' ',"'","'",','

public $english_chars = array(
    'a', 'a','A','A','b','B','g','G','d','D','e','e','E','E','z','Z','i','i','I','th','Th', 
    'r','R','s','s','S','t','T','u','u','Y','Y','f','F','x','X','ps','PS','o','o','O','O',' ','_','_','_'

public function __construct() {
    $this->description = _("This module provides CallerID lookup from Greek 11888 website (<br/>Module Version: ".$this->module_version);
    $this->source_param = array(
        'Return_number_if_not_found' => array(
            'description' => 'Enable this setting to have the original number returned if no match is found on the website.<br/><br/><b>NOTICE</b><br/>If this is enabled superfecta cache will store the number as caller id name.',
            'type' => 'checkbox',
            'default' => 'off'
        'Convert_to_greeklish' => array(
            'description' => 'Enable this setting to have the returned name converted to greeklish.',
            'type' => 'checkbox',
            'default' => 'on'

function get_caller_id($thenumber, $run_param=array()) {

    // Setup defaults
    $caller_id = null;
    $run_param['Return_number_if_not_found'] = isset($run_param['Return_number_if_not_found']) ? $run_param['Return_number_if_not_found'] : NULL;
    $run_param['Convert_to_greeklish'] = isset($run_param['Convert_to_greeklish']) ? $run_param['Convert_to_greeklish'] : NULL;

    $this->DebugPrint("Return number if not found = " . $run_param['Return_number_if_not_found']);
    $this->DebugPrint("Convert to greeklish = " . $run_param['Convert_to_greeklish']);

    // Strip leading GR country code 0030, +30, 30
    if (substr($thenumber, 0, 3) == '+30') {
        $thenumber=substr($thenumber, -10);
    if (substr($thenumber, 0, 2) == '30') {
        $thenumber=substr($thenumber, -10);
    if (substr($thenumber, 0, 4) == '0030') {
        $thenumber=substr($thenumber, -10);

    $this->DebugPrint("Using number: ") . $thenumber;

    $url = '' . $thenumber;
    $result = $this->get_url_contents($url);
    $result = json_decode($result, true);

    if ( array_key_exists( '0',$result['data']['wp'] ) ) {
        $caller_id = implode(" ", $result['data']['wp']['0']['name']);
    else if( array_key_exists( '0',$result['data']['ps'] ) ) {
        $caller_id = $result['data']['ps']['0']['name'];
    else if( !array_key_exists( '0',$result['data']['wp']) && !array_key_exists( '0',$result['data']['ps']) && !array_key_exists( '0',$result['data']['yp']) ) {
        $url = '' . $thenumber;
        $result = $this->get_url_contents($url);

        preg_match_all('/<div class="details">.*?class="title">(.*?)<\/a>/s', $result, $result);
        if (array_key_exists( '0',$result['1'])){
            $caller_id = $result;
        else {
            if (!$run_param['Return_number_if_not_found']){
                return null;
            else if ($run_param['Return_number_if_not_found']){
                $caller_id = $thenumber;
    else {
        return null;
    if ($run_param['Convert_to_greeklish']){
        $caller_id  = str_replace($this->greek_chars, $this->english_chars, $caller_id);


nemphys commented 6 years ago

I've been struggling with this issue, the solution is quite simple (as mentioned in comment out "$callerid = $superfecta->stripAccents($callerid);" in Superfecta.class.php and you should be fine.