FreeRDP / FreeRDP

FreeRDP is a free remote desktop protocol library and clients
Apache License 2.0
10.44k stars 14.57k forks source link

Create azure-webapps-dotnet-core.yml #10193

Closed godzilll closed 4 weeks ago

godzilll commented 4 weeks ago

This is how are pull requests handled by FreeRDP

  1. Every new pull request needs to build and pass the unit tests at
  2. At least 1 (better two) people need to review and test a pull request and agree to accept

Preparations before creating a pull

To ease accepting your contribution

What you should be prepared for

Please remove this text before submitting your pull!

freerdp-bot commented 4 weeks ago

Can one of the admins verify this patch?

github-actions[bot] commented 4 weeks ago

clang-tidy review says "All clean, LGTM! :+1:"