Open FreeScholar opened 7 years ago
In the file
//should change these to use PullDown() !!! if (getSoundList() != null) sb.append(" <FONT SIZE=2><SELECT NAME=\"Sound" + sFieldName + "\" onchange='if(this.selectedIndex != 0) document.Bottom." + sFieldName + ".value += " + "\"<embed src=\\\"\" + this.options[" + "this.selectedIndex].value +" + "\"\\\" hidden=\\\"False\\\" autostart=\\\"true\\\" align border=\\\"0\\\"" + "width=\\\"140\\\" height=\\\"30\\\" >\";" + "document.Bottom." + sFieldName + ".focus();'>" + "<option>Sounds" + getString(getSoundList()) + "</select>\n"); if (getImageList() != null) sb.append("<SELECT NAME=\"Picture" + sFieldName + "\" onchange='if(this.selectedIndex != 0) document.Bottom." + sFieldName + ".value += " + "\"<img src=\\\"\" + this.options[" + "this.selectedIndex].value +\"\\\" border=\\\"0\\\">\";" + "document.Bottom." + sFieldName + ".focus();'><option>Images" + getString(getImageList())+ "</select></FONT>\n"); return sb.toString();
In the file