FreeTAKTeam / FreeTAKHub-Installation

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Encountering issues with Mumble server on AWS installation. #110

Open arrowkab189 opened 5 months ago

arrowkab189 commented 5 months ago

Issue Summary: Encountering issues with Mumble server on AWS installation.

Installation Details:

Used the zero-touch installer for FreeTAKServer on a T3 medium instance with 30 GiB.

Problem Description:

While FreeTAKServer is running, Mumble server appears to be disabled.
Connection issues observed despite opening all ports on AWS (both inbound and outbound).

Commands Used:

wget -qO - | sudo bash
sudo systemctl is-enabled mumble-server.service
sudo systemctl enable mumble-server.service

Configuration Details:

Checked configuration settings in and FTSConfig.yaml.
Verified that necessary ports are open on AWS and Ubuntu.

Troubleshooting Steps:

Attempted advanced installer for Mumble (wget -qO - | sudo bash -s -- --mumble).
Restarted service, checked firewall, and tried without firewall.
Used WireGuard to confirm the device is attempting to communicate with the server.

Additional Information:

Able to connect Android devices to the FreeTAKServer.
WireShark shows phone attempting to communicate via Mumble server port, but no response.

Attempts to Resolve:

Mumble service remained disabled despite attempts to enable it (sudo systemctl enable mumble-server.service).


Mumble server remains disabled, and connection issues persist.

Next Steps:

Requesting assistance in resolving the Mumble server issue.
Opened all ports on AWS and Ubuntu, but issue persists.


Screenshot from 2024-01-23 15-07-21 Screenshot from 2024-01-23 14-36-31 Screenshot from 2024-01-22 16-20-17

Environment Details:

Operating System: Ubuntu
FreeTAKServer Version: latest as of 24/01/2024
AWS Instance Type: T3 medium
Other relevant details: Ubuntu 22.04
brothercorvo commented 5 months ago

moved to correct repo