FreeTAKTeam / FreeTAKHub-Installation

Eclipse Public License 2.0
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Zero Touch Install - nodered : Set service stater failes #94

Closed Baldag closed 6 months ago

Baldag commented 9 months ago

When trying to install using the Zero-Touch Script on a ubuntu 22.04 server I get the following error when trying too install FTS.

TASK [nodered : Include Ubuntu-specific variables] *****************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [nodered : Set IPv4] ******************************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [nodered : Print IPv4] ****************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "msg": "noderedserver_ipv4 ="

TASK [nodered : Get public IPv4] ***********************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [nodered : Set public IPv4] ***********************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [nodered : Install] *******************************************************
included: /root/FreeTAKHub-Installation/roles/nodered/tasks/setup-Ubuntu.yml for                              localhost

TASK [nodered : wait for lock-frontend release] ********************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [nodered : Install apt dependencies] **************************************
changed: [localhost] => (item=npm)
ok: [localhost] => (item=nodejs)

TASK [nodered : Install packages with npm] *************************************
changed: [localhost] => (item=node-red)
changed: [localhost] => (item=node-red-admin)
changed: [localhost] => (item=node-red-contrib-web-worldmap)

TASK [nodered : Install Node-RED nodes with npm] *******************************
changed: [localhost] => (item=node-red-contrib-config)
changed: [localhost] => (item=node-red-dashboard)
changed: [localhost] => (item=node-red-contrib-credentials)

TASK [nodered : Create flows directory] ****************************************
changed: [localhost]

TASK [nodered : Template unit file] ********************************************
changed: [localhost]

TASK [nodered : Enable service] ************************************************
changed: [localhost]

TASK [nodered : Template settings file] ****************************************
changed: [localhost]

TASK [nodered : Set service state] *********************************************
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: Set service state (20 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: Set service state (19 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: Set service state (18 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: Set service state (17 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: Set service state (16 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: Set service state (15 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: Set service state (14 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: Set service state (13 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: Set service state (12 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: Set service state (11 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: Set service state (10 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: Set service state (9 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: Set service state (8 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: Set service state (7 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: Set service state (6 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: Set service state (5 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: Set service state (4 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: Set service state (3 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: Set service state (2 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: Set service state (1 retries left).
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"attempts": 20, "changed": true, "name": "nodered", "state": "started", 
"status": {"ActiveState": "failed", "Description": "Node-RED graphical event wiring tool", 
"Environment": "\"NODE_OPTIONS=--max_old_space_size=1024\"", "EnvironmentFile": "-/root/.node-red/environment", 
"Group": "root", "Id": "nodered.service", "JournalFile": "/var/log/journal/nodered.service.log", "JournalFilePath": 
"/var/log/journal/nodered.service.log", "KillMode": "control-group", "KillSignal": "SIGINT", 
"LoadState": "loaded", "Names": "nodered.service", "NeedDaemonReload": "no", "NotifySocket": 
"/run/systemd/notify.nodered.service", "RemainAfterExit": "no", "RestartSec": "10s", "SendSIGHUP": "no", 
"SendSIGKILL": "yes", "StartLimitBurst": "5", "StartLimitIntervalSec": "10s", "StatusFile": "/run/nodered.service.status", 
"StatusFilePath": "/run/nodered.service.status", "SubState": "failed", "TimeoutStartUSec": "1min 30s", 
"TimeoutStopUSec": "1min 30s", "UnitFileState": "enabled", "User": "root", "WorkingDirectory": "/root"}}

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=100  changed=43   unreachable=0    failed=1    s                             kipped=12   rescued=0    ignored=0

I'm getting the following error in the nodered logs: ´´´ /usr/local/lib/node_modules/node-red/node_modules/@node-red/runtime/lib/flows/Flow.js:797 if (sendEvent?.destination?.node) { ^

SyntaxError: Unexpected token '.' at wrapSafe (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:915:16) at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:963:27) at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1027:10) at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:863:32) at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:708:14) at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:887:19) at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:74:18) at Object. (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/node-red/node_modules/@node-red/runtime/lib/flows/ind> at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:999:30) at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1027:10)


jweaver72 commented 8 months ago

When you load nodered in a browser <ipaddress">:1880 do you see an error loading worldmap and worldmap in?

Im not a team member but im having kinda the same issue.

brothercorvo commented 6 months ago

this has been addressed and will be closed