FreeTAKTeam / FreeTAKHub-Installation

Eclipse Public License 2.0
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Cannot login after Zero Touch Installation #99

Closed foxy888 closed 6 months ago

foxy888 commented 1 year ago

After I completed the Zero Touch Installtion, I tried login thru from my brower.

But, I keep getting login error (504 timeout) even using admin/password as username and password.

I found out that the brower is try to reach for authentication server but not successful.

I am new to TakServer and its my first setup. Can anyone tell me if it is expected (i.e. <-- some hardcoded value ?)
Or, is it any config I miss during the installation ?

Thanks in advance !!!


brothercorvo commented 1 year ago

If you install fts on a cloud the 127. Adress will not work. If you have installed on you local machine the would make sense. Zero touch will try to guess your public IP. So the is that Ip

Baldag commented 9 months ago

I have the same problem, check that your FTS-service is acutally running. Mine is failing too start because of something with the federation function