FreeTAKTeam / FreeTakServer

Situational Awareness Server compatible with TAK clients
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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How can I do the stress test under the latest version (FreeTakServer[UI] (2.0.21)) of fts installed by pip? #595

Open kbtxwer opened 1 year ago

kbtxwer commented 1 year ago

As says, FreeTAKServer 2.0 Alpha 2 now supports a whopping 15,000 SSL connections. We now have bought a server and want to see if it can achieve such performance.

However, I didn't find the details of how the test was implemented.

Could you please show me more details of the tools you used and how to set up the test environment step-by-step?

Thank you very much.

brothercorvo commented 1 year ago

what is your purpose in doing a stress test? the setup is really technical

kbtxwer commented 1 year ago

what is your purpose in doing a stress test? the setup is really technical

For our research purposes. Specifically, we have purchased a physical server and want to test whether FTS can make full use of the server's resources and still provide fast and stable services while serving approximately 5000 connected users.