FreeTAKTeam / FreeTakServer

Situational Awareness Server compatible with TAK clients
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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link system user to cert signature #663

Open naman108 opened 6 months ago

naman108 commented 6 months ago

Issue: Establish Relationship Between TAK Users and System Users

Problem Description

Currently, there is no established relationship between connected TAK users and system users within the application. This lack of association hinders filtering and Identity and Access Management (IAM) capabilities. Establishing a connection between these two data entries is essential to unlock enhanced features in future updates.

Desired Outcome

The goal is to establish a clear and meaningful relationship between TAK users and system users, enabling improved filtering and providing a foundation for robust IAM capabilities in upcoming updates.

Proposed Solution

[If you have any proposed solutions or ideas for establishing this relationship, you can mention them here.]


  1. Enhanced Filtering: The relationship will facilitate more accurate and efficient filtering of TAK users and system users.
  2. Improved IAM Capabilities: Establishing this connection lays the groundwork for implementing advanced Identity and Access Management features.


The absence of a relationship between connected TAK users and system users currently limits the application's ability to provide a seamless and integrated user experience.