FreeTAKTeam / FreeTakServer

Situational Awareness Server compatible with TAK clients
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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unable to connect iTAK #722

Open qwdsfsfvss opened 2 weeks ago

qwdsfsfvss commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, I have a full functional FreeTakServer running. I have tested it with WinTAK and ATAK and with these application it works. I can't be able to connect iTAK application. On iTAK application I have three possibilities on how to connect to the server (Connect with credentials - Upload server package - Scan QR). I have tried all of three without success. Connect with credentials: I have tried with tcp connection either with or without credential but says connection failed. Upload server package: I have generated in "mission"of FreeTakServer a package but also report connection fail. Scan QR: gives an error on decode the QR code.

Can someone help me? thank you

brothercorvo commented 5 days ago

you need to use the QRcode in the browser to download the cert package locally and then use the select that in the client please watch the video