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List sub-pages of Registration District Information #267

Open PatReynolds opened 4 years ago

PatReynolds commented 4 years ago

Sub-pages of Registration District Information ( have not yet been listed and prioritised - this needs to be done as some / all may be MVP.

Now drafted:

PhilipClarke712 commented 4 years ago

These pages are (I believe) 3-ary pages, so they were not listed in the hyperlinks audit document, since it did not go down to 3-ary level.

I do know about them but I stopped work last Friday (I have been away without computer access, and will not be re-starting until Monday). All these pages are just large html pages with tables. They are all do-able, but there are a lot of them.

Some of the hyperlinks within these pages go to other FreeBMD pages and some go to UKBMD website, so these two "classes" of link will not be a problem. The third class of links call up Perl pages from FreeBMD, so I think that part (presumably a lot of them) will be for the Development team (we in Documentation can't put Perl pages through Refinery - so I believe).

PatReynolds commented 4 years ago

Thanks, @PhilipClarke712 you are correct the Perl pages can't be created in refinery. the Ux/designers (@KatyMawhood and @Daniel-silve1ra may need to be involved in the creation.

If they go to UKBMD, not a problem.. If they go to quaternary (etc) pages, then can you just note their urls in the spreadsheet?

Once we have the list, we can discuss what the order for implementation should be.

PhilipClarke712 commented 3 years ago

Sorry for the delay in responding. I've been off for a month, but I'm back. That link above is to a single section Page Range on the Registration Distrit page and it has only two hyperlinks.

The first hyperlink goes to this page which consists only of hypelinks to individual Perl pages that pull out CSV files, builds a table and displays it. The tables are not timestamped, but it appears to be "refreshed" data created as part of the 28-day FreeBMD(1) update cycle. The Perl pages will need the developers' input.

The second hyperlink goes to this page which is also just a set of hyperlinks. The hyperlinks also go to Perl pages that pull up the relevant CSV file, builds a table and displays it. So again its a job for the developers'.

PatReynolds commented 3 years ago

FreeBMD1 district name goes to a District Information page which re-iterates the data already seen, links to the district in ukbmd, and has a link to

For decision: to place a link in the Help page to and link to this from:

PhilipClarke712 commented 3 years ago

Hi @PatReynolds, I have a draft updated-version of that page called "Registration Districts" on test3, it is a sub-page of the top-level page "Transcriptions" page. It is also called from "Understanding the GRO Index Page" and "Districts, Volumes and Page numbers" which are both sub-pages of "Transcriptions". These latter two pages are also called from various "Help" sub-pages such as "Advanced search facilities", and "Searching & associated FAQs".

Note: the current "Help" page has no links (even in "mark-up" form) to any FreeBMD pages. So that needs to be addressed. At the moment I'm working on the top level "Transcriptions" page, "Help with Marriages" and "The General Register Office"; but I am planning to go to the sign-off stage quite soon (weeks or days, not hours) on all of these. I've no idea what effort will be needed to get them signed off. Alison, as far as we are aware, has not been asked to signed off any FreeBMD2 pages. So, after that I can move to other pages - some of which have not been worked on since Sept / Oct / Nov.

Note: There is a similar page to "Registration Districts", such as , and some of our pages link to that one instead of the FreeBMD1/2 page.

One of the "problems" with Registration Districts at the moment is its sub-pages: on FreeBMD1, many are Perl or SHTML pages, so we can't do them in Refinery (and I don't know where they are in respect of coding). Some of the html pages are massive tables. You will find "Districts in Counties" (W-i-P) as a draft in "Transcriptions" which goes from A to L; there is also "Districts in Counties (W-i-P)" which covers A to G. Alison helped with them, but she suggested that coding to be used for "data hiding", so you select from a menu (say) and it only shows that county, not the whole page. That has been raised on Git.

Sorry, I've not really answered you questions in respect of the Help page: my preference would be to rewrite it entirely, but I have two drafts - one of which will be a copy to which I add hyperlinks and refrain from major editing.

I am using test2 and 3 to search, so that I can describe what it does, rather than what FreeBMD1 does. If I think of anything I will write it down on a post-it note and add it to this Issue.

PhilipClarke712 commented 3 years ago

Hi @PatReynolds,

This first part is moving off in a slight tanget, but I mentioned "possible confusion" between magenta font used for both hyperlinks and non-hyperlinks on the Entry information page. So, a link to the draft of "Districts, Volumes and Page numbers" could be used on the Entry information page (as all those terms are there in magenta font). That page does not link to "Registration Districts" - it could, but I've just not put in many links yet. Another possibility is a link from the Entry information page to the draft of "Understanding the GRO Index Page" and that does have links to "Registration Districts" and its "sister" pages.

The results page itself has only hyperlinks on every entry to the particular Registration District page on UK BMD and we don't have that level of detail on FreeBMD1/2. That is probably all that page needs.

I suspect that "Registration Districts" might be called up from one or both of the two FAQ pages: I worked on the "Help" one sometime ago: it has many of the old (but deactivated) FreeBMD1 hyperlinks. So the hyperlinks will need to be updated. I added the side navigation panel to the "About" one but it has live hyperlinks, many of which are "broken", so I would need to look at the html to see what the links aught to be.

PatReynolds commented 3 years ago

@PatReynolds tpo review

PatReynolds commented 3 years ago

I have now drafted the list of sub-pages at

Pleaes could @PhilipClarke712 take a look - do you think I have maed any mistakes in the listing? There are only two pages that I think are MVP - have I got this right?

I think our options are to make the link back to the top page on BreeBMD1, or to create the two pages, and link others back to FreeBMD1

PhilipClarke712 commented 3 years ago

Hi @PatReynolds

The short answer first.

The current Help page on FreeBMD2 has no hyperlinks, other than an external link to the GRO and two "Further Help with Family History" links; and the current Coverage Page is a hyperlink to so it does not link to any Registration District pages on FreeBMD(1). So, none of the Registration District pages are "callable" from FreeBMD2 as of now. So, that tends to suggest that Registration District is not MPV; and this is also the case for the two sub-pages in the spreadsheet marked as MVP.

Note: my understanding, in respect of new html pages, is that a new page will not be signed off until it is up to "standard" and all the sub-pages "called" from it are also signed off (this sounds a bit like negotiating with the EU: but we can't be that bad). So, I don't think putting hyperlinks into a new draft of Help and getting it signed off will be a fast process.

(This may come back and "bite me"), I don't think PageRanges is called directly (on FreeBMD1) from the Help page, but it is certainly called from Registration Districts; Districts, Volumes and Pages; and the advanced search facility. The first two of these pages are on test3 in Draft form under a Draft version of the Coverage page. When (if) all those pages go live Registration Districts will be accessible from both Help and Coverage and many other sub pages within both of them.

The spreadsheet does identify all the Level A and B pages that need to programming input for Registration Districts. There are numerous Level C pages, they are not listed, but all the hyperlinks (to Perl pages) can be found at Level B. There are some html pages and one or two external hyperlinks (from html pages) that are not listed - I have noted them below for completeness.

The longer answer:

  1. Sorry, I got somewhat confused by the first line of this Issue, which starts off: Sub-pages of Registration District Information ( have not yet been listed and prioritised - this needs to be done as some / all may be MVP. This comment refers to the (H2) Section Page Ranges on, listed in the Spreadsheet at Level A, only has two subpages: and which are both listed in Level B. So, these are all covered on the spreadsheet

Note the first Level B page has lots of Perl (Level C) sub-pages so it needs programming. The second Level B has a monolithic html page which could be "hidden" by coding and a drop-down menu(s), which would give a better "look" to the page (see 3 below).

  1. The spreadsheet, itself, is a listing of the sub-pages of; although it does not include any of the subpages listed before the (H2) Spelling Variants section. These are and (which are both on test2 in Draft-form). Plus an external link to which is used elsewhere on FreeBMD2 and .

I have a Draft version of the FreeBMD(1) page at but it has no links to subpages, because some will be implemented html and some will need programming.

  1. The Spelling Variations section has four massive tables, which are correctly listed in the spreadsheet. Note: perhaps as long ago as last September / October I attempted to put two of these pages through Refinery, they kept crashing Refinery until you got Vino to increase the html-page-size limit. One such page can be found at Alison also gave considerable help. That draft page only covers A to L, no more work was done. The other page is and that over covers A to G. We believe that programming and "data hiding" using a menu system is a better way to implement these very large tables: you would not want to view such a page on a mobile phone, for instance.
  2. District to Volume Mappings has a number of similarly very large tables, which are also listed in the spreadsheet and one external link to
  3. Page Ranges has only two subpages, which are listed in the spreadsheet, they are all hyperlinks to lots of Perl pages, so they need to be programmed.
  4. Counties this has the link to and is marked down as MVP. My comment is going to be the same as my short answer. FreeBMD2 as currently set up has no hyperlink to Registration Districts, so this is not MVP.
PatReynolds commented 3 years ago

Hi Philip, so ...

I have created a story for: and moved your comments there. (#340)

there is a link now to disrict: image.png links to for example, so I have made a story for implementing (#341).

I suggest re-phasing this story as '5' to continue prioritisation and discussion later, particularly in light of testing feedback.