FreeUKGen / FreeCENMigration

Issue tracking for project migrating FreeCEN to FreeCEN2 genealogy record database and search engine architecture. Code developed here is based on that developed in MyopicVicar
Apache License 2.0
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Add main town name to search dropdown - e.g. Nottingham (all) before all the various Nottingham sub-divisions) #1754

Open PatReynoldsFUG opened 2 months ago

PatReynoldsFUG commented 2 months ago

There are currently seven Nottingham Census Places on the search screen. This is a level of detail which may not be known by the researcher - who only knows that the person they are looking for has had a life event in "Nottingham".

The "Nottingham (all)" selection would allow them to find someone with specific details / unusual name.

Vino-S commented 2 months ago

@geoffj-FUG will investigate

geoffj-FUG commented 2 months ago


The current search is based on the PARMS.

There are 4 levels to the PARMS: County Registration District Piece or sub-District Civil Parish

Currently we use County and civil parish as our search parameters. It is possible to add Registration District to these levels of the search and use it as a filter to narrow down the county search area. However the PARMS was never intended to be designed to do the search that you are proposing. There are however three options: One is to use the existing search around the selected place tick under the search boxes. The second is if we can allow the selection of more than one place name using the control key as we can in FreeBMD. Vino may like to comment on this. The third is to include the Registration District which will allow a broader search. This is the subject of another story. It will need to be addressed some time as it is the link to FreeBMD if we end up having a one search covers all approach.

Your problem will be addressed by the POB search which is after all the bread and butter search available on the commercial websites. POB searching is the main focus at the moment because it is so important to the future of FreeCEN.


PatReynoldsFUG commented 2 months ago

Pat to look at Help.