FreeUKGen / FreeCENMigration

Issue tracking for project migrating FreeCEN to FreeCEN2 genealogy record database and search engine architecture. Code developed here is based on that developed in MyopicVicar
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The Integrated Reports on availablity and processing epic (GAP, DAP, RAP) #247

Open PatReynolds opened 7 years ago

PatReynolds commented 7 years ago

The RAP, GAP and DAP reports are online, and display underlying tables.

The RAP is for volunteer and public consumpton, and reports:

The DAP report shows which images we have if they are not covered in the RAP, and their status e.g. not yet digitized, digitized but needing re-scanning, etc.) This includes: Show report when a new set of images has been completed #1079

The GAP is for management, and public consumpton Census records which do not exist, e.g. were on a boat which sunk and table of census records that are available, but we do not have available to transcribe. Integrates with the RAP (census records available for transcritption) and DAP See FreeUKGen/MyopicVicar#2040 for the FreeREG GAP - some elements should may be imported for FreeCEN Census records which do exist, but we do not yet have, with (for management) who has the images.

Does any of the above need clarification/correction? When fine I will add in the existing stories, and add any missing stories.

PatReynoldsFUG commented 8 months ago

Please add comments to individual components, or their sub-components.

geoffj-FUG commented 7 months ago

Proposed reports paper available at Geoff

geoffj-FUG commented 7 months ago


Specification for integrated CAP, DAP, GAP and RAP reports is available at the link below. If there is anything that I have missed please shout!


Implementation of CAP DAP GAP and RAP.docx

AnneV-Learn commented 7 months ago

@geoffj-FUG a couple of comments:

  1. Piece_digitised - is the default setting N?

  2. The ???? should be available to FreeCEN public users by selecting the county and year. It should only be available as a screen report. This will need an action on the public screen such as “FreeCEN progress”. Perhaps accompanied by a request for transcription help as part of the report. 
Which report is that (RAP I assume)? Note: There is overlap here with the RECORDS reports already available to the public.

DeniseColbert commented 4 months ago

CAP: on test 3

County added to GAP report: on Test 3

Select multiple pieces: still to do

RG9100 issue fixed on Test 3

geoffj-FUG commented 4 months ago

Helen asked to re-test for piece number problem. Geoff

DeniseColbert commented 4 months ago

Helen testing locate pieces fix

Locate pieces to become a separate feature if Vino prefers

DeniseColbert commented 3 months ago

Ready to be tested (multiple piece selection for updating)

geoffj-FUG commented 3 months ago

Vino Have the being transcribed and available to search details been populated yet? I am not seeing anything in them. Geoff

geoffj-FUG commented 3 months ago

Helen asked to look at this and see if it meets her needs. An unusual reference came up at the Committee Meeting and she is going to make sure that it can be implemented.


Vino-S commented 1 month ago

Deployed to production

DeniseColbert commented 2 weeks ago

@Vino-S the bug that was previously fixed now seems to have moved to Locate Piece. Please can you take a look? Geoff has more info.