FreeUKGen / FreeCENMigration

Issue tracking for project migrating FreeCEN to FreeCEN2 genealogy record database and search engine architecture. Code developed here is based on that developed in MyopicVicar
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22 P - Create Cord Status pages structure and pages #535

Open PatReynolds opened 5 years ago

PatReynolds commented 5 years ago

This story began as a number of changes needed to move and status pages to FC2 and to link the top page to the transcriber section in, or to

What remains of this task is to consider where the data currently in individual county pages (where wanted) should be served.

richpomfret commented 5 years ago

Once it has been moved, we update this back on FC1 (or remove it entirely).

PatReynolds commented 5 years ago

1/ Move table of Cord status to (where is this?)

2/ Transcriptions already done not needed as in box on sign up page.

3/ Move rest of page to new page within Transcriber Information (DONE). @AlOneill @FreecenBren @geoffj-FUG I have also moved the old 'Information for Transcribers' main page to a new Further Information for Transcribers page - exact final content of the two pages (or one) to be decided.

4/ Relocate "Background to the FreeCEN Project to somewhere (where) that is appropriate? The FreeCEN project was initiated in July, 1999.
One of the main instigators was Brian Randell (GenUK, Devon)" [this is not to be part of the Information for Coordinators but a link from the 'About' page for Researchers - i.e. story #740 ]

PatReynolds commented 5 years ago

@Vino-S can you tell us where we can edit please.

smrr723 commented 5 years ago

That page isn't on refinery @PatReynolds - requires Developer input.

benwbrum commented 5 years ago

This will require a code change to add a link on the transcriber registration page, according to @Vino-S.

richpomfret commented 5 years ago

Ready for testing on TEST2.

PatReynolds commented 5 years ago

1/ Full table from has not been relocated to Transcriber sign-up - is what we have sufficient @FreecenBren ?

4/ Moved to the first section of 'About' on test3 - is this the best place @FreecenBren Is the code ok @AlOneill

AlOneill commented 5 years ago

@FreecenBren @PatReynolds Am looking at the text added to the About page. I have some questions about these sentences:

"The FreeCEN project was initiated in July, 1999. One of the main instigators was Brian Randell (GenUK, Devon)."

  1. What does 'GenUK, Devon' stand for?
  2. Who were the other 'main instigators' and should we acknowledge them too?
PatReynolds commented 5 years ago

No idea - I was copying and pasting from FreeCEN1. I know Brenda is working the history of the project at the moment, so suggest we run with this for now, and enhance it when Brenda has something more comprehensive.

geoffj-FUG commented 5 years ago

Alison, Pat

I believe that GenUK was an original acronym for what is now FreeUKGen. It consisted of FreeCEN and FreeBMD (and later FreeREG).

Devon was the original county used as a pilot for FreeCEN. When I started in 2004 all the sample work was from Devon.

I cant answer the second question. As far as FreeCEN is concerned Peter Cox (NZ) must have been one as he wrote the software. FreeCEN1 used to list the original board members. Names included a lady with a german sounding name, Bob Muchamore, Dave Mayall and Dave Newbury. Roy Conibear was also a name when I joined.



AlOneill commented 5 years ago

@geoffj-FUG Thanks.

@PatReynolds OK, I will rework the sentence about Brian Randell in light of Geoff's info re the pilot, for now at least — it is a bit odd as it stands. I'll save the other names Geoff mentioned until @FreecenBren has completed her work on the history.

PatReynolds commented 5 years ago

Note to self: do not copy the HTML from the FC1 page - just the text! Link to the external pages (as interim solution).

PatReynolds commented 4 years ago

New page created on test3 - "County Status Page" (a draft page) not a sub-page of any other.

I cannot see how awful it (almost certainly) looks.

Is this good enough for use as is, or is any further work needed?

AlOneill commented 4 years ago

@PatReynolds @FreecenBren the "County Status Page" is not good enough to use as is. HTML needs cleaning, at least — underway, off-site, in a proper text-editor.

  1. Who is intended audience? That will help to determine what else needs doing.
  2. The table is wide, so would like to replace "Completed" with something shorter: is "Done" OK?
  3. Are we really intending to (continue to) publish all those email addresses in plain sight? Regardless of past practice, the thought of all that spam will put people off from stepping up to be Coords.
geoffj-FUG commented 4 years ago


I have an old County Status page at It is now defunct as although it reappeared as Rootsweb rebuilt their pages they changed the access to it and I have been unable to regain access.

From a personal point of view as a Coordinator my Audiences for the progress pages were:

Potential volunteers who wanted to see what the project was about (the Home page was purely to attract attention) - The links from this page went to my email address and most volunteers were recruited this way pre-FreeCEN2;

Existing volunteers who are interested in particular areas - They can choose which pieces they want to work on by seeing what is available;

I used to use Rootsweb message boards to report on progress each month. This was coupled to a reference to the web page and the web page provided additional information.

It provided an overview to FreeCEN and other interested persons on the progress of each piece – Allocated, Transcribed, checked, validated, uploaded.

I hope that this helps. It is just one point of view.


geoffj-FUG commented 4 years ago


I did not get much spam via my web page and it was active for about 10 years. Probably just 1 per month overall.


PatReynolds commented 4 years ago

New transcribers get the info they need via sign up, so intended audience is just existing project volunteers.

The emails could be replaced with the Messaging system (depending on additional work involved / likely length of need for this table.

Data (apart from link to county pages) will be replaced by the DAP/RAP/GAP system is implemented on FreeCEN (in essence a listing of the data available, the records available of transcription, and the records that will never be available for transcription due to fire, flood, dodgy handwriting, etc.

I will make a new story about county pages

FreecenBren commented 4 years ago

Hi All,

I agree with Geoff. I cannot access my roots-web page anymore to update it despite several emails to roots web. Consequently the pages showing have not been updated since November 2017. In some cases even further back than that. Therefore all links to those status pages from FreeCEN 1 should be removed.

Unlike Geoff though, I cannot do a monthly report as Geoff does. The reason being the difference between looking after one County to looking after 34 Counties it is an enormous job to do on a monthly update.

All my status pages are in Front Page. I have about 60 pages altogether, that show all the status for each county. Some counties have more than one page due to their size. Example London 1891 has 541 Pieces in total. This is the link to the outdated page You will see from this example that it was last updated in 2017 so it is well out of date. All my other County status pages that you can at on are also out of date.

That is not to say that the current copies I have on Front Page are out of date. They are amended or added to every day. (Backed up on CLOUD) I use them every single day, either for allocating, updating the status, or marking that a piece is complete and adding the VLD to my list for the next FreeCEN upload. Therefore to expect me to update online the same everyday would be a nightmare, even once a month would also be.

Also I use my status page to add notes if a transcriber is Example.:- Away, ill, has PC problem etc., or I awaiting confirmation of their acceptance of a PIECE I have offered them. If I do not mark it as such I could quite easily offer it to someone else. I would not like to see all these small notes I add being shown online.

Also I use some PIECES, say for Devon 1851 as an example ( that have over 20,00 entries per PIECE) that I have had to split them by ED. (Average Ed is about 30) So those status pages on Front Page I have, an extra table as well showing the ED & PIECE number and whom I have allocated it to etc. It is just something etc. for you to consider when you decide which way to go. You must also include the ability to once a PIECE has been allocated, it has to be available to amend at any time as turnovers will always occur. These could be, illness, death, changed their mind and a popular one of AWOL, for want of a better word.

I agree with Geoff that we have to have 5 columns for each County x census Year after the PIECE number and Place etc. “ Allocated, Transcribed, checked, validated, uploaded (or alternate Online)”

I do realise that we need something, but what format to use has to be open to discussion and trial before anything is decided.

My suggestion

A suggestion from me, as to whether it will work could be:

Piece No



OK this is only basic and I am sure others will have alternative suggestions.

  1. The only issue I would have is getting the details for 34+ counties x Census Years updated in the first place.
  2. But if the first 3 columns and the last one are all in place then it is a question of finding the time and help in getting the data added in.
  3. If I had access to something like that I can then use that instead of Front Page and fill it in as and when a PIECE is allocated.
  4. As long as what is entered is not made live until the COORD presses that option.
  5. But they still need the option to amend at any future date.
  6. It must be reminded that a Notes column for the COORDs own private use is a must.

Anyway, that is some food for thought. I am sure others will have their thoughts as well.


geoffj-FUG commented 4 years ago

Just to add to Brenda’s notes:

Once the online transcription version is available then the system should be able to mark the piece as transcribed once all images have been completed and cleared by the coordinator. The same goes for once it has been proofread online.



DeniseColbert commented 4 years ago

Some comments from Brenda, via email:

Pat says. New page created on test3 - "County Status Page" (a draft page) not a sub-page of any other. I cannot see how awful it (almost certainly) looks. Is this good enough for use as is, or is any further work needed?

Could not find that at first then looked in Refinery. Nothing there that was different so am I in the right place?

I appear to be looking at things regards the status pages different to others. The county Status Pages what the COORDS use to know what is done, at what stage etc., is different to what we call the STATS pages as ONLINE. That only lists the Census year, County and the PIECE numbers (Plus Places covered) and what is ONLINE. Any prospective helpers and also the researchers require to know what stage each PIECE number is at. Not much point in doing a search in say for a 1891 for Abthorpe in Northants when we have not even started it! I am sure we will get there sometime. I do agree that the links to the old Roots-web pages, should be removed from the Project Page as they are misleading.

PatReynolds commented 4 years ago

Thanks for all your contributions @FreecenBren and @geoffj-FUG I am going to create a table that sets out what data will not have a home if the current status page is not replicated on FreeCEN2, and where data on the current individual county pages, maintained by by coordinators, could find a home on FreeCEN2. This will be story and there will be separate stories for its implementation, once agreed. This story becomes the epic covering all the individual bits.