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Outline new Donations pathway #50

Open PatReynolds opened 3 years ago

PatReynolds commented 3 years ago

Looking at Akhil's new form - I think we are going to need separate blocks for Kindlink and Paypal, as Kindlink has a lot of options on-site/in-form, and Paypal has none.

For Discussion

Also a giftaid form in the Paypal block, and for cheque and bank transfer donations.

We could try to get all onto the Donations page, e.g.:

Or perhaps better to have a lot of choices in a dropdown set, e.g. Kindlink (GB£, debit or credit card, one off or repeat) Paypal (GB$, Euro, AUS, CAN, NZ and US$) By Cheque (KU cheques onliy) Bank transfer (from UK banks only) plus FAQ as at present - re-titling volunteer with 'non-cash ways to help'???

'By Cheque' and 'By Bank transfer' need a form on our site that has the giftaid logo and information. Also needs to say that the name you give on the form must match your bank account name

PatReynolds commented 3 years ago

Three paths to donation (no need to ask about regular payments as all done on the donation platforms): Do you want to pay in UK£ or other? 1/ Paypal currency buttons for other currency Pay by card vs pay by paypal/cheque/bank transfer? 2/ Kindlink Form 3/ form (with giftaid option) to paypal UK£, cheque and bank transfer

For giftaid: need to collect donor's name, home address, and email address (if paying by paypal) or bank account name (if significantly different to their own name) .

DeniseColbert commented 3 years ago

PatReynolds commented 3 years ago

Information ("background") needed on Giftaid declaration: There is no set design for a declaration form or a verbal declaration, but it must include:

the name of your charity or CASC the donor’s full name the donor’s home address whether the declaration covers past, present or future donations or just a single donation a statement that the donor wants Gift Aid to apply (this could be a tick box on a written or online declaration) an explanation that the donor needs to pay the same amount or more of UK Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax as all charities and CASCs will claim on the donor’s gifts in a tax year and that the donor is responsible to pay any difference

Example (single donation)

Example (multiple donations)

(faboce from HMRC website)

akhilpokle commented 3 years ago

@PatReynolds @DeniseColbert, I found an UK based NGO :

I really liked the way they've implemented their donation system for post transfer ( not sure what they mean but I guess it's cheque or cash payment)

They've created forms for the same,

Should we implement something similar for Bank transfer/cheque?

PatReynolds commented 3 years ago

I think it would be a good idea for the testimonials to have tickyboxes that say that the testimonial is about FreeBMD, FreeCEN, FreeREG, FreeUKGenealogy - as we can re-use the testimonials on the individual websites.

DeniseColbert commented 3 years ago

I've noted your comment on the testimonial story @PatReynolds (#81)

PatReynolds commented 3 years ago

Target fro donations Dec 2021 £8,000

DeniseColbert commented 3 years ago