FreeUKGen / MyopicVicar

MyopicVicar (short-sighted clergyman!) is an open-source genealogy record database and search engine. It powers the FreeREG database of parish registers, the FreeCEN database of census records, the next version of FreeBMD database of Civil Registration indexes and other Genealogical applications.
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Search finds only father's or own surname #2691

Closed SteveBiggs closed 3 months ago

SteveBiggs commented 7 months ago

Raised by Barrie Robinson WAR Coordinator:

One of my transcribers raised this in relation to baptisms, and I found a second instance. 1. Richard the son of Robert ALLSUP and Martha HEWITT (1825): a search for Richard ALLSUP finds him, a search for Richard HEWITT does not. 2. Mary PRICE and adult the wife of Lewis PRICE and daughter of Daniel and Mary BROOKS. I have entered this baptism on two rows, the fist as the daughter of Daniel and Mary, the second as the wife of Lewis PRICE, entering Lewis PRICE in the spaces where the father normally appears. I have appended a note explaining the situation in full to both. If as I have now done, I enter PRICE as her personal surname (in Flexible CSV) then a search for Mary PRICE finds both entries, but a search for Mary BROOKS finds neither. We feel that as a researcher may be searching under either surname in either case, the searches should find both instances. I would not have thought tis difficult to program. Hopefully I have explained this sufficiently clearly.

Vino-S commented 6 months ago

Hi @SteveBiggs Implemented similar solution as #1477 Also for testing in test2 Baptism Record: Record Screenshot


The Record details: Forename: Robert Father Surname: ALLSUP Mother Surname: HEWITT The record is now searchable as Robert ALLSUP and Robert HEWITT

SteveBiggs commented 6 months ago

A search for Robert HEWITT did NOT return the record. Robert ALLSUP did.

Vino-S commented 6 months ago

Thanks Steve for testing I searched for Robert HEWITT on TEST2. I got the following result.

DeniseColbert commented 6 months ago

Ready to be deployed

Vino-S commented 5 months ago


DeniseColbert commented 5 months ago

Keeping open to monitor

DeniseColbert commented 3 months ago

@CommsCoord could you ask Barrie if he's aware that this has been fixed? Similar to # 1477

ghost commented 3 months ago

Barrie said he was not aware. He did not seem bothered by it now as it was some time ago, but he would try to contact the person who had queried this originally to see if they had any further problem. Could this be closed for now and opened again if there is an ongoing issue?

DeniseColbert commented 3 months ago
