FreeUKGen / MyopicVicar

MyopicVicar (short-sighted clergyman!) is an open-source genealogy record database and search engine. It powers the FreeREG database of parish registers, the FreeCEN database of census records, the next version of FreeBMD database of Civil Registration indexes and other Genealogical applications.
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9 Relocate Church drop down boxes are too small to scroll satisfactorily #982

Open Sherlock21 opened 8 years ago

Sherlock21 commented 8 years ago

Priority 9 (0 1 2 6)

Sherlock21 commented 8 years ago

Example: the lookup list used in Relocate Church to another Location is good in methodology and the number of rows it shows, and the way scroll down works, to pick the selected item. On the other hand, The ones used in the action: Relocate Batch is completely the opposite. It shows 5 rows only and scroll down is impossible to control due to both the few rows which are there are to scroll and view in the small window, and the way scrolling works. It is totally the opposite in terms of size and convenience compared to the Relocate Church example. Action requested: make the Relocate Church function everywhere that is presently using the Relocate Batch style.

Screen shots of the 2 referenced methods are sent by email to Kirk as i can not attach here.

Captainkirkdawson commented 8 years ago

Any screenshot can be attached through github. Just click on the heading of a waffle story and it will open in Github

Sherlock21 commented 8 years ago

I created the item and then added all the text that you read above, all through logging on to Github. On the window I got there was no visible means of adding / attaching anything - other than what I could write in the box.

Captainkirkdawson commented 8 years ago


Sherlock21 commented 8 years ago

Thank you for this, but the attced is the window I get presented with to write my story. and no signs of "attach file” on this.

Captainkirkdawson commented 8 years ago

Unfortunately this is currently the request of one person. What we need is to know if this is the general opinion of all coordinators who also just these actions.. What Ericb is requesting is that all selection boxes have only a single row visible instead of the current approach of making several (usually about 5) visible which is what one might call the house style. It is also the opposite to the heading which says drop down boxes are too small. This has significant implication also for the main search page if it was to become the house style. See also 561 which is requesting that the default shown is the one currently selected

Sherlock21 commented 8 years ago

No, Kirk

I was not wanting only one item visible - quite the reverse - I wanted MORE than the 4 or 5 please. ( my preferred / example being Relocate Church where there are some 20 or 30 in the drop down box.)

AlOneill commented 8 years ago


If you click in a select box, you can then use (keyboard) up/down arrow keys to move through the options. Alternatively, you could hit first letter of option you are looking for and then use arrow keys if necessary to find the correct option: this is useful if the list is long and alphabetically arranged.

Does this solve your problem? Or have I misunderstood?

Sherlock21 commented 8 years ago

This is not the solution really, Alison. Your suggestion to use the keyboard up/down arrow is slo unbelievably slow and to be painful. I could speed up the scroll setting, but then on all my other applications where scroll with the keyboard is used, it goes light lightening. So I am not going down that route either.

all because the basic house style had been changed from something that worked satisfactorily for all the CS/CC/ mgrs using desk top computers - but not for researchers, to catered for them using tablets & phones.

And given the problem screens are Relocate a church and relocate place name - who is doing this? A few CC's and ME.

Captainkirkdawson commented 8 years ago

Yet again I remain puzzled. To the best of my knowledge nothing has been changed on the member pages in the manner in which selection boxes are done for many months if not longer

Captainkirkdawson commented 8 years ago

I think we have been talking at cross purposes. The church relocate box is, on display, a single When clicked it opens to a larger box with as you say 15 entries and you can scroll within that larger box. In the relocate files we use a 3 entry box that has to been scrolled within the same 3 entry box window, This means that to achieve your wish we have to go down to a single entry box which opens into a larger box when selected; not make the initial box larger.

Sherlock21 commented 8 years ago

Kirk's last input seems to be the description that fits my 'problem'. But as you know how they were designed, then you know better thanI how to describe them.

The solution you propose does seems to be what I was getting at, and the solution that I would like. Would this be possible within this Story, now we have got to the bottom of the issue, please? or would it mess up too many other things?

edickens commented 7 years ago
I think it is the other way round.  There are some boxes with only
one or two showing and to scroll these on a laptop touch pad is
difficult.  There needs to be at least 10, although the present 5 is
not bad.  When I move batches between UserIDs there is a long list
of UserIDs and that works well, but I have a mouse with a scroll
wheel.  There has to be enough room to get the mouse into the list
so that scrolling can take place.

I think another problem may be that there is not enough room on the
screen sometimes to get 10 entries showing.  But I cannot find any
with just one or two.

edickens commented 7 years ago
Why me?  I have no idea where.  E
Sherlock21 commented 7 years ago

EricD I think that Kirk's description is correct. The box for "Relocate Church" contains one line at the start. ( the present value of the church name) but when opened it changes to a full screen's worth of all the church names in the County concerned ( since this is a feature to move the record to another Church in that County.) from which you pick the right one. As it has more rows than the other sort of 3 or 4 line box, its easier to read and use.

[ to relocate to another County, one has a different app]

It may be only a request from one person, but if there is only one person doing this task, then that's not surprising is it! For me, its darned difficult to use the small 4 row selection anywhere.


Captainkirkdawson commented 7 years ago

Why you EricD? because when I am pulled in mutually incompatible directions what can I do!

edickens commented 7 years ago

Me too. But we must be careful not to react to just one person's good idea. I think this raises project management questions. How do we get the agreement of a majority to a change? How do we keep a note of ideas for the future so that they do not take our time now? How do we communicate to everyone that we have accepted an idea and that it will be included in due course?

Sherlock21 commented 7 years ago

Kirk comments above that this is a request by one person only. Well most items are input by one person only. This request is by the one person who is most inconvenienced by what we have at present.

Captainkirkdawson commented 7 years ago

Was not my comment.

If it was to be dealt with by it will have to wait my return to when I have my development machine

Captainkirkdawson commented 6 years ago

In order to do something meaningful the subject is restricted to Relocate Church. Other stories with specific requests will be needed if required. Since there are over 200 drop down boxes a general comment cannot be processed.

Sherlock21 commented 6 years ago

OK. this will be a good improvement. How many rows were you thinking about giving me please? IF you found make it deep enough for at least 10 church names, that would be fine,

Captainkirkdawson commented 6 years ago

Will be decided when this is actioned some time in the future