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All tasks relating to development of an Online Transcription Tool
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Rothschild Application (Hannadiv) early 2019 #33

Open richpomfret opened 7 years ago

richpomfret commented 7 years ago

To review how to answer the questions in the application form.

richpomfret commented 7 years ago

Pat to contact Daniel for clarification on how best to proceed with the application. Deadline submission on 24th March.

richpomfret commented 7 years ago

Useful now for us to use as a template for future applications (Jewish heritage or otherwise).

PatReynolds commented 7 years ago

Pat to contact David again.

benwbrum commented 6 years ago

Ben to contact Brooke about other people we might partner with.

richpomfret commented 6 years ago

No reply from Brooke just yet. To discuss in our CSi call today.

richpomfret commented 6 years ago

@PatReynolds to email Daniel.

PatReynolds commented 6 years ago

Wrote to Daniel 16/2 @patreynolds to contact Jewish Heritage UK and Jewish Trails ( to see if they have / have interest in transcribing cemeteries (if Daniel does not have a contact there).