FreeUKGen / New-Projects

All tasks relating to development of an Online Transcription Tool
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Review CSi tool and contact developer #36

Closed richpomfret closed 6 years ago

richpomfret commented 7 years ago

Pat to speak to Daniel and arrnage introduction to developer.

DeniseColbert commented 7 years ago

Pat to chase developer

PatReynolds commented 6 years ago

Cf as a potential first project

PatReynolds commented 6 years ago

Wrote 27/12

richpomfret commented 6 years ago

Meeting today with the developers.

richpomfret commented 6 years ago

For us to now finalise which project we wish to use to test this out - to prepare required sign-up/agreement text (open-data etc), to then request a new group to be set-up with Banai for us to then test and begin using. Do we go with the above first project idea? Also need to define which fields to extract data from.

benwbrum commented 6 years ago

We can also point a handful of existing volunteers at one of the English-language CSI projects like the NYC marriage license application indices to get their impressions of the tool. I've just tried it, and am very impressed.

richpomfret commented 6 years ago

@benwbrum to email CSi developer and clarify check-box issues (which might affect FreeCen transcribing).

benwbrum commented 6 years ago

The CSI tool does not support checkboxes (yet), but FreeCEN already has their users type "Y" in the kinds of text entry boxes CSI does support, so it may not be an issue.

benwbrum commented 6 years ago

Also @PatReynolds is to find census sheets and a FreeCEN volunteer to connect with CSI

PatReynolds commented 6 years ago

Messaged freecen Coords 7 Feb. Will ask interested cord for images.

PatReynolds commented 6 years ago

Re-message coords when rootsweb is back up.

richpomfret commented 6 years ago

@PatReynolds It's now back (although we probably want to grab our mailing lists while it's working and move onto our own system!).

PatReynolds commented 6 years ago

Coords asked 13/3

richpomfret commented 6 years ago

We have a volunteer earmarked to now work on this. Us to get things set up for them to test.