Freebi85 / Dungeons-Dragons-Space-Shuttles

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Cant join Server anymore #974

Open NostraThanos opened 12 months ago

NostraThanos commented 12 months ago

What the title says. 2 Days ago we had horrible lags and were unable to move or just rubberbanding around. Yesterday was "fine" but today i cant even join the server anymore. Im getting a million error messages in the Serverconsole telling me something something needs an alternative prefix and that this usually indicates a broken mod( and this goes on for basicly every mod and every item]. Also it seeems that the server is "keeping" entities with the same UUID for some reason? We have nothing nametagged or similar. Idk whats going on at this point bc this happens to every modpack i play. Its fine for a week or two and after that randomly nothing works anymore. I dont have huge farms with thousands of Mobs. Dont have alot of machines. Not too much chunkloaded. Im clueless whats causing the issues and at this point im spending more time fixing things everyday than actually playing.

Screenshot_2 Screenshot_3 Screenshot_4

My entire Serverconsole is just red and yellow at this point. I wish i could provide more info but as mentioned i have no clue what it is this time.