FreederTeam / Freeder

An easy-to-use free feed reader
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Webmentions and annotations #36

Open Phyks opened 9 years ago

Phyks commented 9 years ago

We discussed about the ability to annotate articles directly in the reader. This script looks really interesting for this, and sends webmentions to the original article.

Not to be implemented right now, but we can think about it =)

tmos commented 9 years ago

So it means a way of publishing content, not just reading.

Each freeder install should have a public part with commented articles and the concerned comments ? Like a "mini-shaarli" ?

Phyks commented 9 years ago

I'm not really willing to turn it into a mini-shaarli as shaarli exists and simply does it better. But it could be a plugin to annotate articles and remember stuff or review orthograph.

Anyway, this is just something to think about and discuss, and I opened this issue to save this link =)

eliemichel commented 9 years ago

Being able to comment articles directly from Freeder is a very interesting feature imo. Reply powered by webmention is part of the IndieWeb documentation :