FreederTeam / Freeder

An easy-to-use free feed reader
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OPML import and actualisation in the modalbox #73

Closed tmos closed 9 years ago

tmos commented 9 years ago

It may be nice to display the live progression of the feed update (at the import and at manual refresh) directly in the modalbox.

I remind you that if the modalbox have some content at the page load, is is automaticaly launched, so the «only» move to do here is to put the live generation on the modalbox div, and display the page in background.

We may consider adding an ajax update of the page, but it may be good to wait a full ajaxification on the software ?

eliemichel commented 9 years ago


Phyks commented 9 years ago

@eliemichel There should not be much to do for this, the function is already there and we should only have to put the function call in the right place I think.

eliemichel commented 9 years ago

Feed refresh function is ugly… It write in page by side effect instead of returning a value.

Phyks commented 9 years ago

Should not be the case anymore in the refactor branch.