Freelancer-Sirius-Revival / FLSR

The main mod files of Freelancer: Sirius Revival for the game "Freelancer".
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Adjust Resource Parser to keep IDS values consistent for the same object across patches #812

Open Caenen opened 2 months ago

Caenen commented 2 months ago

Currently, every time the resource string references are updates the IDS numbers are shuffled a little. This means that e.g. save-game data about which rumors have already been read isn't behaving as intended. Save-game data that uses CRC values based on (unique) nicknames is not affected by this.

We need to come up with a method to keep the IDS references consistent while keeping them unique. One means here could be to add an extra unique string in the .ini that the adjusted parser would look for and understand what to do with (somewhat like how the Vanilla mBases.ini has deprecated lines that were used to set up the knowDB).

Work on this may be combinable with tackling issue #662