Freenove / Freenove_4WD_Smart_Car_Kit_for_Raspberry_Pi

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I/O error #31

Open TheClergy opened 2 years ago

TheClergy commented 2 years ago

I am getting this error when trying to run this command I just set up the pi car and may have missed a step but can't seem to find out what it is

sudo python Now servos will rotate to 90°. If they have already been at 90°, nothing will be observed. Please keep the program running when installing the servos. After that, you can press ctrl-C to end the program. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/pi/Freenove_4WD_Smart_Car_Kit_for_Raspberry_Pi/Code/Server/", line 34, in pwm=Servo() File "/home/pi/Freenove_4WD_Smart_Car_Kit_for_Raspberry_Pi/Code/Server/", line 5, in init self.PwmServo = PCA9685(0x40, debug=True) File "/home/pi/Freenove_4WD_Smart_Car_Kit_for_Raspberry_Pi/Code/Server/", line 32, in init self.write(self.__MODE1, 0x00) File "/home/pi/Freenove_4WD_Smart_Car_Kit_for_Raspberry_Pi/Code/Server/", line 36, in write self.bus.write_byte_data(self.address, reg, value) OSError: [Errno 121] Remote I/O error

DenzelChen commented 2 years ago

Please make sure you have turned on switches of the car. And you can try to reconnect the connector. Or please contact us via

janrutger commented 2 years ago

I think an issue on I2C bus level. Please check

lsmod | grep i2c


i2cdetect -y 1

As explained on page 43 of the manual And make sure you turned the switches on