Freenove / Freenove_Robot_Dog_Kit_for_Raspberry_Pi

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Calibration File saves empty File, Causing Server() to fail #15

Open MoodyMusicMan opened 2 years ago

MoodyMusicMan commented 2 years ago

Completed Calibration successfully and powered down the robot. Upon re-booting, point.txt was empty (blank file, no values), causing Controls --> Server --> to fail.

There was no way to start the server after this failed, thus, no way to re-populate the pont.txt file from the client // app.

Fix was to reset point.txt manually copy/pasting values. (split("\t") can make manually entering values hard depending on your IDE setup for python).

Suggestion to put a try/catch block in the calibration function. This would allow the Client / Server to initialize, and then user can run client calibration routine to re-calibrate robot.